Chapter 9

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"Take off your clothes." Katsuki ordered. His tone was dominant and his crimson eyes were locked on the tiny omega in front of him. 

Izuku shuddered. He obeyed, his heart pounding loudly inside his chest as he slowly stripped off his clothes. He felt so vulnerable under Katsuki's burning gaze. The way the King was looking right into his soul was so intimidating and nerve-wracking... 

Katsuki shamelessly looked at Izuku's exposed body up and down once the omega was fully naked. He appreciatively hummed, before speaking out in a deep husky voice. "Get on the bed." 

Izuku felt shivers running down his spine at the amount of dominance the King's tone held. He didn't waste time complying and got on the enormous bed, the silk sheets feeling soft against his naked skin. 

The prince was so nervous. He didn't know what he should do nor what was going to happen and could only anxiously wait for the King's next words.

"I want to see you touch yourself," Katsuki blurted out.

His words made Izuku's mouth fall open, the request completely taking the omega aback. Of all the things Katsuki could have said, Izuku certainly wasn't expecting this. But his whole face nonetheless turned a dark red, intense embarrassment taking over him. 

He hesitated, wondering if Katsuki was serious, but didn't need to ask as he saw the burning lust inside the alpha's red eyes. Katsuki really wanted to see him touch himself.

Izuku nervously bit his lips. He knew he had promised to do anything, he couldn't get out of it. He tried to reassure himself by thinking that the King could have asked for something far worse than this, but the truth was that he didn't know if he actually preferred this. It was so embarrassing and humiliating...

Izuku closed his eyes, his heart racing as he slowly let his hand trail down his body.

"Lower." Katsuki interrupted. It startled Izuku and a look of utter confusion took over his pretty features, the omega not understanding what the King was meaning.

Katsuki smirked. "I want to see you finger yourself." He unexpectedly stated, his words causing Izuku's whole body to suddenly heat up and his emerald eyes to widen, fear surging inside the two green pools. 

"B-but, I've never done this before." The omega timidly stammered in a shaking voice. He had never once tried to touch himself in this way, nor even once let his fingers approach this part of his body...

Katsuki slightly frowned. "Never?" He repeated, as if not believing it. "Did you always have someone doing it for you during your heats?" He asked and Izuku looked shocked by the question. 

"What? No, I endured the pain!" The omega exclaimed. He would never ask for someone who wasn't his mate to help him during his heats, he wasn't like this. He preferred to suffer and wait for his heat to pass. 

Katsuki certainly wasn't expecting this. His brows furrowed and his crimson eyes focused on Izuku's angelic face. "You've never been touched?" He questioned in a low voice. 

"No..." Izuku timidly answered, his voice sounding small and quiet. 

Katsuki felt his heart pound faster. "You're a virgin?" He asked again and Izuku profusely blushed at the question, his freckled cheeks turning a dark red. The omega lowered his emerald eyes, his gaze solely focused on his lap as he timidly nodded yes. 

The King was left silent. He couldn't believe such a beautiful omega had managed to stay untouched this long, it seemed impossible. But, more importantly, it meant he would be the first person to touch Izuku in places no one else ever did. He would be the first to see the omega cry in pleasure and the first to hear his moans and whimpers. The first, and also the only one...

Katsuki liked this idea. 

He felt an intense feeling of possessiveness swell inside him and a low growl escaped him. "Fuck, it makes me want to mess you up even more..." He husked.

"W-what?" Izuku barely had time to stammer when his arms were suddenly pinned above his head by one big hand, Katsuki now on top of him, the alpha's large and muscular frame completely caging the tiny omega against the mattress of the bed. 

"No, no, please!" Izuku instantly panicked. He remembered what had happened during their first encounter and fear promptly took over him. He started to thrash around and desperately tried to squirm out of the alpha's grasp when, suddenly, his whole body unexpectedly relaxed as he felt lips on his scent glands.

"Shh, don't be scared," Katsuki murmured, his lips pressing delicate kisses on Izuku's scent glands. The action had the effect of calming omegas, it was instinctive. 

Now that he knew that Izuku had never done anything sexual before, Katsuki understood why the omega was so scared. He also understood that he needed to process more cautiously. He'd have to be more patient and less rough than he usually was if he wanted to ease Izuku into letting himself be touched.

Omegas were weak to pleasure, it was a known fact. The more efficient way to make an omega become obedient was to get him addicted to sex... 

Katsuki smirked. "I won't hurt you." He promised, his crimson eyes gazing into Izuku's emerald ones. He let his lips trail up to the omega's ear and murmured in a low sultry voice. "Rather, I'll bring you pleasure you never ever dreamed of." 

Izuku shivered at the words. His heart unexpectedly skipped a beat, his whole body growing hot. But he suddenly stiffened as he felt Katsuki's large hand move down his body, fear setting inside him. "I-I'm not ready..." he whispered in a small, scared voice.

Izuku knew he'd eventually have to have sex with Katsuki, it was inevitable since he had agreed to become the King's omega. But he was scared and wanted to have more time to prepare himself before it happened.

Katsuki looked into Izuku's emerald eyes. He saw the fear inside the two mesmerizing pools of green and unexpectedly felt his gaze soften at the sight. "We won't go all the way, today. I'll only use my fingers." He declared. 

It reassured Izuku, but not entirely. The omega was still scared. However, he knew that if Katsuki wanted to, the alpha could take him by force without any difficulty. There was nothing Izuku would be able to do against it.

The fact that Katsuki still hadn't done so made Izuku believe that maybe, just maybe, Katsuki cared, even if only a little. Maybe he wouldn't hurt Izuku...

"Okay," Izuku whispered. He felt absolutely anxious but he was going to let Katsuki touch him. He wouldn't try to struggle and see where it would lead.

Katsuki smirked. He leaned in, his lips right against Izuku's ear and his warm breath tickling the omega's delicate skin as he seductively murmured: "Let's get you excited, then." 

To be continued

Hey, I hope you liked this chapter! The explicit version is available on my Patreon account if you want to read it (Katsuki fingers Izuku until he comes). Once again, I'm sorry about the inconvenience but I don't want to take the risk of Wattpad redeleting my stories because they're too mature...

I'll try to keep as much spice as possible. I wish you all a good day/night!

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