Chapter 22

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Izuku slowly woke up from his slumber, feeling sweet kisses being pressed on the back of his neck. He let out a soft hum, his emerald eyes staying closed as he cuddled closer to the warm body behind him.

Katsuki wrapped a strong arm around Izuku's waist and pulled the omega flush against him. He continued to press loving kisses on Izuku's nape, his lips progressively moving to the omega's shoulder while his hand gently caressed Izuku's belly, almost lovingly.

"How is your body, princess?" He asked in a murmur.

Izuku hummed in response, a low purr starting to rumble out of his chest. Katsuki was being so affectionate with him early in the morning and it was making his heart melt. "It's okay..." He softly answered, his body shuddering with delight as Katsuki kept kissing his delicate skin.

It had been one day since Izuku's heat had finished and the omega had spent all his time sleeping since then. Four days filled with constant sex really had really been exhausting but, now that he had rested, he felt relatively better.

"That's good." Katsuki hummed. He put some last kisses on Izuku's shoulder, softly, before reluctantly removing his arms from around the omega's body. "I have to go to a meeting." He sighed.

He had been busy taking care of Izuku's heat for more than four days and, even if he trusted Kirishima to take care of things while he was away, Katsuki still had responsibilities to fulfil as the king. He had to keep control of several kingdoms at the same time and it certainly wasn't an easy thing.

"You can stay in bed, I'll call your servant to take care of you." He told Izuku as he reluctantly left the bed.

"Ochaco?" Izuku questioned and Katsuki shrugged. "Whatever the fuck her name is." He carelessly answered. He had never bothered remembering people's names, except for his generals and now Izuku.

"I'll be back in the afternoon." He stated as he put his red cloak on his broad shoulders, getting ready to leave, when Izuku unexpectedly grabbed his hand.

"I want to come with you." The omega said, his beautiful emerald eyes boring into Katsuki's crimson orbs. "I don't want to be separated from you..." He timidly confessed, a soft blush appearing on his freckled cheeks.

Their bond was strong. It was fresh and it linked them so deeply that Izuku constantly felt the need to be close to Katsuki. The omega craved his alpha's presence, his touches and his attention. Being away from Katsuki would cause him nothing but pain. It would make his heart ache.

Katsuki was the same. He didn't want to leave Izuku even one instant, but he wasn't sure if the omega had recovered enough from his heat to already be walking around the castle. He didn't want Izuku to be in any pain but, at the same time, he didn't want his omega to not be by his side. So he hesitated, debating if it was okay or not, before inevitably giving in.

"Wash up and get dressed." He ordered and Izuku didn't waste time to do so. The omega quickly got ready, his green curls an adorable mess on top of his head since Ochaco wasn't here to comb them. Somehow, it made him look even cuter.

When they arrived at the meeting room, Katsuki's generals were already there. Their gaze lingered some instant on Izuku, probably noticing the mark on the omega's neck, before they focused their attention on their king.

"Talk. What did I miss?" Katsuki spoke out loud and clear.

As usual, Kirishima was the one to answer. "Concerning the attack of the silver kingdom, the spy we had sent there came back." He said and the information surprised Izuku. The omega didn't know that they were sending spies to the kingdom they wanted to attack.

"What did he learn?" Katsuki asked and Kirishima seemed to hesitate to answer. The redhead looked wary, almost worried about Katsuki's reaction to what he was going to tell him...

"He saw your parents's counsellor in the silver palace." He eventually said, getting over with it.

Katsuki's reaction was immediate. His red eyes became wide before a dangerous atmosphere started to emanate from him, his crimson gaze darkening with rage. "Fucking traitor." He growled out.

When his parents had been murdered by their generals, Katsuki had looked for his parent's counsellor. Turned out the man had run away from the crimson kingdom without any word. It was the first time they had heard of him since then.

"Maybe he'll know something about the treason..." Yaoyorozu hesitantly suggested, cautious to not anger Katsuki further. Everyone knew about the explosive tempter of the king.

"How long to reach the silver kingdom?" Katsuki suddenly asked.

His question was unexpected but Sero nonetheless answered. "Five days by horses." He informed.

Katsuki nodded. "Inform the soldiers, we'll leave tomorrow." He suddenly stated, taking aback absolutely everyone. The generals' eyes went wide, surprise taking over their expression. Izuku wasn't expecting this either. He looked at Katsuki, disbelief written on his face.

However, Katsuki's expression was serious. It was filled with rage and blood lust. He was determined to destroy the silver kingdom and torture whoever this counsellor was.

Kirishima eventually stood up from his seat. "I'll go tell them." He simply said, leaving to inform the soldiers and start all the needed preparations. He couldn't afford to lose any time as they had to leave on such short notice.

"We still need a strategy." Sero pointed out. They couldn't just blindly attack the silver kingdom. It was a strong one and the loss would be too consequent.

"I know," Katsuki answered. "Izuku will take care of this." He stated, taking by surprise the principal interested.

"I won't." Izuku frowned as he looked at Katsuki. He had already said he wouldn't help to destroy a kingdom and he had meant it. He would never take part in such a massacre, even if it was his alpha who was asking him to.

"Yes, you will." Katsuki replied. "And you'll be coming with us." He added, this time earning a shocked gasp from Izuku. "What? No!" The omega exclaimed. He didn't want to help, even less participate in killing innocent. That was unthinkable.

"You won't fight, don't worry." Katsuki told Izuku. "But I don't want to leave you alone in the palace without me for this long." He explained. Not knowing if his omega was safe or not would drive him crazy, he wouldn't be able to take it.

"You may be pregnant, I want you by my side..." He softly added, his gaze gentle as he looked at Izuku's belly. There wasn't any bump visible yet but since Katsuki had knotted the omega while he was in heat, the probabilities of pregnancy were very high, if not guaranteed.

Izuku blushed at Katsuki's words. He promptly lowered his emerald eyes, feeling flustered. Yaoyorozu and Sero were still there and could hear Katsuki's every word. Speaking of such an intimate subject in front of them was embarrassing...

"We're still missing one general to lead the army." Sero stated, breaking the silence.

Katsuki stopped looking at Izuku to instead refocus on the present task. "How is Kaminari?" He unexpectedly asked and Yaoyorozu smiled in response. "He has already gotten better!" She exclaimed.

Kaminari's wound hadn't been as bad as it had seemed. The sword hadn't touched any vital part nor caused any permanent damage. The blood loss had been the only concerning part, but the beta had quickly recovered from it.

"Good. Make him my new general." Katsuki ordered.

Kaminari maybe was a beta but at least Katsuki was sure he could trust him. He wouldn't make the same mistake he had done with Monoma. The only reason Katsuki had taken Monoma as his general was because he came from a powerful family of alphas, but trust was more important than status.

"We'll leave to attack the silver kingdom tomorrow." Katsuki concluded in a loud voice. "And when we'll be back, I'll announce Izuku as my queen to the kingdom." He unexpectedly stated, taking Izuku by surprise.

"Inform the people about the future coronation."

To be continued

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