Chapter 6

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Izuku felt his heart thundering inside his chest as he faced the door of the King's quarters.

He didn't want to go inside; he was scared something like last time would happen if he was alone with Katsuki again. But he had received orders and he didn't have any choice. So, he took a shaky breath, gathering his courage, before finally opening the door.

"There you are." Katsuki's voice came out loud and deep, sending shivers down Izuku's spine. The tiny omega timidly closed the door behind him before entering further inside the wide quarters, his emerald eyes hesitantly looking up to meet Katsuki's crimson gaze.

The King was towering in the middle of the room, his chest bare, his impressive muscles and tanned skin in perfect display for Izuku's eyes. His captivating ruby orbs were directed right at Izuku, making the omega's knees grow weak.

Izuku had almost forgotten how intimidating and attractive Katsuki looked...

"Alpha." He greeted like he had once been instructed to do so, his voice sounding small and slightly wavering. Only holding Katsuki's gaze was making him shake and want to submit.

Katsuki smirked as he looked Izuku up and down. The omega looked as beautiful and delicious as he remembered, maybe even more. Simply seeing him was making desire and hunger swell inside him.

"You're going to take a bath with me," he declared.

Izuku's jade eyes went wide. "What?" He stammered, feeling shocked and startled at the words.

"You heard me," Katsuki said, his crimson eyes not leaving Izuku. "Consider yourself lucky I'm not asking more." He slyly added and Izuku gasped, feeling absolutely outraged.

"I'm not going to bathe with you!" The prince exclaimed as anger promptly took over him. "I already took one this morning!" He was terrified Katsuki would try to take advantage of him. He desperately wanted to get away from the alpha.

"I don't care." Katsuki simply stated before walking toward Izuku and then throwing the omega over his shoulder. "Put me down!" He felt amused by Izuku's struggles as he walked into the bathroom adjoining his bedroom. "King or not, you have no right to treat me like this! I am not some toy you can play with!" The omega bursted out as Katsuki amusingly smirked in response.

He had missed having Izuku defy him. More precisely, he had missed putting the omega back into his place. Izuku was a fierce omega and he loved it.

"You know, one word from me is all it would take to destroy the rest of your kingdom..." He lowly threatened after having put Izuku down, something dark and dangerous glistening in his gaze as Izuku's emerald eyes instantly widened in fear.

Katsuki knew Izuku would do anything to keep his people safe. They were hostages to keep the prince obedient.

"You understand, right?" He asked and Izuku silently nodded, anxiety building up inside the omega's stomach. If he wanted to protect his people, he would have to do anything the King wished for...

Katsuki felt pleased. "Good boy." He grinned while starting to take off his clothes, the hateful glare he received from Izuku only amusing him. The prince could be as angry with him as he desired to be, but it wouldn't change his fate.

Izuku felt so powerless against Katsuki and it was so infuriating. His heart was thumping rapidly, his body shaking with fright and anger as he watched Katsuki undress. He felt like crying but he didn't have any other choice but to obey. He was going to take a bath with Katsuki, swallowing back his pride and fear for the sake of his kingdom.

"What are you waiting for stripping?" Katsuki asked, something dark and lustful in his gaze as he looked at Izuku. The alpha had finished discarding his own clothes, his body perfectly naked as he stood with confidence, waiting for Izuku to do the same.

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