Chapter 22

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"W-wait, Katsuki!"

Izuku didn't even have time to blink that Katsuki had already roughly grabbed Todoroki by his collar. 

"You bastard! I shouldn't have let you live!" The King furiously shouted, his fist violently colliding with Todoroki's jaw and brutally sending the other alpha to the ground.

Izuku's eyes widened in horror at the sight. Todoroki still was hurt and therefore couldn't defend himself. Katsuki was going to reopen his wound and make him bleed to death. "Katsuki! Stop!" Izuku desperately screamed, feeling utterly helpless and deeply scared for Todoroki's life.

But Katsuki wasn't listening. "I'm going to kill you!" He loudly growled as he lifted Todoroki back up, ready to punch him again. Anger was completely filling him up. He couldn't believe Todoroki had dared to kiss Izuku, his omega. 

Izuku was his. Only he was allowed to touch the omega, no one else. Todoroki shouldn't have tried to take what belonged to him and then expected to live on.

However, as Katsuki's fist was about to meet Todoroki's face again, Izuku's next words abruptly stopped him.

"I was the one who kissed him!" 

The omega exclaimed and Katsuki suddenly ceased any movement at the words. He slowly turned his head toward Izuku, his crimson orbs incredibly glacial as they locked with Izuku's emerald eyes. 

"Were you, now?" He asked lowly, his voice absolutely blood-curdling.

Izuku trembled in response. He felt frozen in place, words unable to leave his mouth. He could hear the anger and hatred in Katsuki's voice but, more than anything, he could see the unexpected betrayal and pain inside the alpha's red eyes...

Izuku felt incapable of saying or doing anything anymore.

Unfortunately, Katsuki took it as an answer. He carelessly dropped Todoroki on the floor and stood up, before walking away without any word.

This seemed to suddenly wake Izuku up. "Katsuki, wait!" The omega finally found his voice back as he promptly started to follow Katsuki. He couldn't let Katsuki leave like this without even having the chance to explain himself. 

Izuku knew he didn't owe Katsuki anything. He hadn't chosen to be with the King, he had been forced to. He shouldn't feel guilty to have kissed someone else...

But he did. He terribly did.

Katsuki was scary and rough but he had been nothing but kind to Izuku these past few days. He had treated the omega gently, like Izuku had asked him to. He had even told Izuku that he would only be with him from now on, that no one else mattered but him. 

However, Izuku went and kissed Todoroki. 

"Please, listen to me!" The omega desperately pleaded as he tried to keep up with Katsuki's rapid walking. The King wasn't stopping or even slowing down to wait for Izuku. He kept walking, refusing to even look at Izuku. 

"Please, Katsuki!" Izuku almost begged and Katsuki suddenly stopped to walk, abruptly turning around to look right into Izuku's eyes.

"Do you like him?" He asked out of nowhere. 

Izuku was caught by surprise at first, having not expected that, but he then quickly understood who Katsuki was talking about. 

"I don't." He answered. His voice was slightly quivering but his words were firm. He was telling the truth. "Not like I like you." He added, his cheeks turning a soft red as the words left his lips. 

Izuku shouldn't have kissed Todoroki, but he didn't regret it. He had needed to understand his feelings and kissing the bicolored alpha had enabled him to do so.

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