Chapter 8

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"You!" Todoroki yelled as he burst into the throne room, violently yanking the large door open on the way. "How dare you touch the prince with your filthy hands!" He shouted.

"Todoroki, stop!" Izuku implored as he followed behind. The tiny omega was desperately trying to stop Todoroki and make him leave the throne room, but the knight wasn't even budging as he glared at the King with pure hatred.

Katsuki cocked an eyebrow, feeling unimpressed by Todoroki's sudden appearance. He was currently discussing important matters with Sero but he wasn't against some entertainment.

"Of course I'm gonna touch him if I take him as my mate," he mocked with disdain. "And I'll tell you, I'll do way more than just touching him." He slyly added with a smirk on his lips, enjoying the look of rage on Todoroki's face. 

His words made Todoroki see red. He couldn't even believe with how much disrespect Katsuki was talking about Izuku. "You don't even deserve to lay eyes on him, you pathetic excuse of an alpha." He lowly snarled, fury beyond words swirling inside him. 

Katsuki's crimson eyes suddenly became dark and menacing at the insult. He was the King, the most powerful alpha of the land, no one was allowed to insult him. "I should have killed you the first time I saw you," he told Todoroki in a bloodcurdling voice.

Todoroki scoffed. He was thinking the exact same thing. He pulled his sword out of his scabbard and pointed it right toward the King.

"I challenge you. Match to the death." He announced.

Izuku instantly felt his heart stop beating at the words. "No, Todoroki, please! Don't do this!" He cried out, his emerald eyes desperately searching for Todoroki's bicoloured ones. But Todoroki's gaze was firmly focused on Katsuki, his expression filled with determination and resolution.  

Izuku turned to Katsuki in despair. "He didn't mean it! Please, don't pay attention to what he just said!" The omega started to implore but Todoroki suddenly raised his voice. "Stay out of this, Izuku!" He yelled, his feral tone causing Izuku to freeze. 

Todoroki had never called him by his name before, he had always used prince to address him...

"Sero." Katsuki called as he pointed to Izuku, taking advantage of the omega's momentary state of shock. Sero nodded before walking toward Izuku and grabbing his arm, moving him out of the way.

"No! Let go, don't touch me!" Izuku tried to struggle but he simply couldn't do anything against the strength of an alpha. He was dragged to the side of the room where he could only watch helplessly.

"Then, shall we begin?" Katsuki asked as he pulled his sword out in turn. The blade looked extremely sharp and the handle was made of gold, what seemed like blood tainting it. "That is, if you're ready to die yet..." He smugly added, his crimson eyes darkening as they locked on his opponent.

Todoroki snorted. He knew the King was famous for being merciless in fights. Rumours said he had never once lost a combat and always left no survivors. But Todoroki was also confident in his skills. Back at the Emerald Kingdom, he had never once found someone who could win against him. 

"I'll put a stop to your tyrannic reign." He firmly affirmed as he got into a fighting stance. "You'll never be able to hurt Izuku again."

Katsuki simply smirked in response, getting into a fighting stance as well. They silently studied each other for some instant, neither of them moving from an inch and both waiting for the perfect moment to attack, when, in a blink of an eye, they suddenly lunged at each other.

"Stop, don't fight!" Izuku cried at the sight. He felt so powerless and his heart ached knowing he was the reason why they were fighting. "Please, stop them! Do something!" He desperately begged Sero, tears rolling down his cheeks as the sound of metal colliding echoed throughout the throne room.

"You should enjoy the show. You have two alphas fighting over you, one being the King." Sero chuckled. He was finding the situation really entertaining and couldn't wait to see who would win. Although, if he was being honest, he already knew who would...

"Gotta admit, you're not as shitty as I thought you were." Katsuki mocked as he dodged one of Todoroki's attacks. They both hadn't managed to wound the other yet but his movements were more precise and fluid, while Todoroki's seemed rushed and driven by rage.  

"Stop talking or I'll really kill you." Todoroki growled. He couldn't keep his calm and only wanted to finally drive his sword through the King's stomach, making him bleed to death. 

Katsuki smirked. "You seem really infuriated for someone who's only supposed to be the prince's guard..." He began, his red eyes focusing on Todoroki's expression. "Bet you wanted to keep him for yourself, huh?" He said and watched with satisfaction as Todoroki's eyes filled with anger.

"Shut up." The bicoloured alpha snarled, but Katsuki didn't stop to talk. He was trying to get under Todoroki's skin and it was perfectly working.

"You had planned to make him yours but I stole him from you. Now, you'll never be able to mate him like you wanted to." He continued, his smirk widening as Todoroki literally burned with rage.  A little more and he would push him to his limits. 

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of him for you," Katsuki taunted. "I'll fuck him until he cries." He said with a sly grin and it was simply too much for Todoroki.

"You bastard!" The knight snapped. He suddenly lunged at Katsuki, utter fury driving him and intense rage blinding him. 

It was what the King was waiting for and a dark smile appeared on his face. He easily dodged the attack, skillfully swinging Todoroki's sword away in one swift movement before driving his own sword through the knight's stomach. 

Todoroki let out a choked gasp, his bicoloured eyes widening. Blood dripped out of his mouth and his legs suddenly gave out, his body collapsing on the ground. 

"It's over, fucker." Katsuki stated as he pointed his sword toward Todoroki's neck, intending to finish him off.

"No!!" Izuku loudly shouted. He suddenly bit Sero's arm that was holding him back and promptly got out of the general's grasp, running toward Todoroki and Katsuki. 

"Please! Don't kill him!" He cried out as he threw himself right in front of Todoroki, protecting him from Katsuki's lethal sword. "I'm begging you!" He desperately implored the King, his pride long forgotten as tears continuously fell from his emerald eyes. 

Blood was slowly dripping out of Todoroki's stomach, the red liquid overflowing on the ground. But Izuku knew it wasn't too late. If good treatment was provided soon enough, someone could survive a wound in the stomach. 

"Please, spare his life! I'll do anything you want!" Izuku promised.

Katsuki suddenly felt his interest being aroused. Killing Todoroki would bring him nothing but slight satisfaction that wouldn't last, it wasn't particularly exhilarating. However, having Izuku obey his every demand certainly was...

"Anything?" He asked, something lustful and predatory glistening in his crimson eyes as he looked at the omega. 

Izuku gulped. He trembled in fear, knowing that if he was going to say yes, he would be at Katsuki's complete mercy. But he didn't have any other choice if he wanted to save Todoroki. 

He took a shaky breath, his heart dangerously racing as he answered. "Yes. Anything." He said, his emerald eyes looking right into burning crimson orbs. 

Katsuki smirked. He licked his lips, already thinking about everything he could do to Izuku. "Sero, call the nurse." He ordered, his ruby eyes never leaving Izuku's face as he spoke.

"Let's move to my room, princess..." 

To be continued

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it ;)

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