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The whole kingdom was in a state of pure chaos.

Houses were burning and children were crying. People were running in all directions, screams of terror and anguish resonating in the air. The only safe place left was the castle, but it wouldn't last long. Utter despair was reigning in the atmosphere.

It was war and a council had urgently been ordered.

"The castle is surrounded by the Crimson King's army, your Majesty. Our own army was defeated." Someone informed and whispers of fear spread amongst the assembly.

The Crimson King was sadly famous throughout the whole land. There wasn't anyone who hadn't heard his name, its simple mention inspired terror beyond words. He was known for being utterly ruthless. With his army, he was taking over all the kingdoms one by one and brought fire and blood to every place he passed through.

"We're lost..." The queen murmured. The Crimson King would slaughter every one of them. Nothing would be left of this realm.

"There is one way..." The informant hesitantly said and all eyes suddenly turned to him. "What is it?" The queen expectantly asked. If there was any hope left, they would hold on to it.

"He wants your son, your Majesty." He answered and silence abruptly took over the assembly.

The prince was rumoured to be the most beautiful omega of the land. Omegas were a rarity; they were priceless, even more males, but royal omegas were almost unheard of.

Izuku was one and he was the most precious treasure of the emerald kingdom.

"I will certainly not give my son to the Crimson King!" The queen exclaimed. She didn't even want to imagine how the merciless alpha would treat Izuku; dying would make a far better fate than falling into his hands.

"If it is the only way to save the kingdom, we have to sacrifice the prince!" A counsellor stated and whispers of agreement mixed with gasps of indignation could be heard.

"We do not even have the guarantee that this tyrant will keep his word!" The queen replied. The Crimson King could very well burn their realm down right after taking Izuku away.

"It is a risk we are in the obligation to take! Countless lives are at stake!" Another person claimed and turmoil suddenly erupted in the assembly, everyone starting to express their views all at once.

Opinions were mixed. Some were in favour of trading the prince for the sake of the kingdom, while others were opposed to the idea as it meant sacrificing the omega without even being assured it would save them. People were vehemently arguing with each other, panic and disarray submerging the whole assembly.

"I will do it," a small voice timidly said and everyone suddenly stopped to talk.

"If it means it will save the kingdom, I will do it," Izuku repeated slightly louder. He was scared, absolutely terrified, but he couldn't let his people die without doing anything. He had to save them, or at least try to.

"You cannot be serious..." The queen murmured. Izuku was young, barely nineteen; he was delicate and fragile. The Crimson King would most certainly break him.

"I am. We do not stand a chance against him... this is the only way." Izuku answered, his voice slightly wavering. He had no idea of what awaited him but he had to be brave. It was for the sake of his realm.

The queen knew this look on her son's face. It was a look of final determination. She also knew she couldn't do anything to make him change his mind.

"Your personal guard will come with you." She unexpectedly stated. If she couldn't keep her son with her, at least she would try to make sure he was safe.

"Todoroki?" Izuku questioned and she nodded.

Todoroki was the strongest alpha and finest combatant of the emerald kingdom. He had been designated as the personal guard of Izuku since the green-haired boy was thirteen, when he had presented as an omega.

"Yes. He'll protect you." The queen said, her heart aching as she looked at Izuku. She was about to lose him and she couldn't do anything about it. It was war and she wasn't strong enough, she had to give her son to a tyrant in the hope of saving her kingdom.

She swallowed her tears, before pronouncing the words she would always regret.

"Inform the Crimson King's messenger that the prince is his."

To be continued

Hey, welcome back to this story! I had to unpublish it since Wattpad started deleting some of my stories, but I've decided to publish it back with some edits so that it won't happen again. Let's hope it works!

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