Chapter 1

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"Stay close to me, prince," Todoroki told Izuku as they entered the imposing castle.

Soldiers had escorted them to the crimson kingdom, it had been a three-day trip by horses. As promised, the enemy army had left the emerald kingdom, or what was left of it. The majority of the houses had already been burned down and all the treasures had been looted...

Nevertheless, the lives of the people who hadn't been killed during the attack were spared.

A red-haired alpha approached them and Izuku slightly moved closer to Todoroki. The tiny omega was frightened. He was surrounded by alphas and betas and the amount of dominant pheromones released in the air was making him restless.

"I'm the King's right-hand man, Kirishima. Pleased to meet you, prince." Kirishima respectfully greeted. "The pleasure is all mine." Izuku politely answered, his voice slightly wavering.

The omega had heard about the Crimson King's right-hand man. The redhead usually was the one leading the crimson army as he was second in command, the King trusted him to win fights in his behalf.

Kirishima looked at Todoroki some instant, red eyes examining the alpha that was accompanying the prince, before facing Izuku again. "The King has requested your presence in his quarters." He stated. "You may follow me." He then said before starting to walk away.

Izuku followed, Todoroki by his side. The castle was absolutely massive and the corridors were tremendous. It was intimidating; Izuku's heartbeats were getting dangerously faster with each step he took. He was going to meet the Crimson King for the very first time and he couldn't help but be terrified.

Kirishima suddenly stopped in front of a massive door made of gold. He turned around to look at Todoroki before speaking out. "No one is allowed to enter the King's quarters except the King himself and who he allows to. You cannot go further than here." The redhead said.

"I'm the prince's personal guard. I have to stay by his side." Todoroki answered. His role was to protect Izuku and he intended to do it. "I'm afraid it isn't possible. You have to stay here." Kirishima insisted.

"I won't leave the prince alone with some tyrant-" Todoroki began but Izuku promptly interrupted him. "Todoroki!" The omega called out. They couldn't afford to cause a stir in enemy territory.

"It's okay, I will be fine..." Izuku assured, trying hard to not let his voice shake. He had to put up a strong front in front of the others but, interiorly, he couldn't possibly be more scared. He was going to be alone with the Crimson King and no one would be there to protect him.

Izuku took a last look at Todoroki, seeking reassurance in the alpha's bicoloured eyes, before entering the King's quarters. The door closed behind him loudly and his heart thundered inside his chest.

Before him was a massive room, so large it could have fitted a whole assembly. Luxurious furs were covering the floor and an enormous bed was throning in the center. A red cloak and leather boots were lying not so far on the floor, catching Izuku's attention.

"You're even more beautiful than what the rumours say." A deep voice suddenly said and Izuku startled at the sound of it, his emerald eyes promptly turning to his side.

There was an alpha with ash blond hair and vibrant crimson orbs looking right at him. He was tall and imposing, surely even more than Todoroki or any other alpha Izuku had ever seen. His chest was bare, revealing broad shoulders, firm pecs and perfect abs. Strength and dominance were radiating out of him, his very presence enough to force submission.

Izuku felt his legs becoming weak. The Crimson King was younger than he thought, surely in his late twenties. More importantly, the alpha was far more handsome than he could have ever imagined...

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