Chapter 29

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Izuku slowly woke up in the comfort of a real bed, soft sheets surrounding him. He could feel the warmth of a body behind him, Katsuki's strong arms lovingly wrapped around his slim waist.

They had only arrived at the crimson palace yesterday late at night. The journey back had been long and exhausting. Katsuki's wound had almost healed but the alpha still couldn't do any brutal movements in order to not reopen it. However, thanks to Izuku's care, the cut didn't get infected. It was a good thing.

Izuku felt sweet kisses being softly pressed on his neck and shoulders. He hummed in contentment while sleepily tilting his head to give more access to Katsuki's mouth. Warm lips started to suck on his mark and Izuku softly moaned in response, thrills of pleasure travelling his body.

Katsuki began to gently caress his waist and hips with one calloused hand, the alpha's other arm still tightly wrapped around his slim waist. Izuku hummed, loving how affectionate Katsuki was being. He felt Katsuki's hand slowly move to his inner thigh and closed his emerald eyes. He relaxed, appreciating the intimate caresses and kisses he was being showered with, when Katsuki's hand slowly trailed higher and reached his entrance.

"Katsuki..?" Izuku sleepily called, his heart starting to beat faster inside his chest. Katsuki hummed in response as he began to gently rub at Izuku's entrance, his fingers softly caressing the omega's most intimate part.

"Yes, princess?" He asked in his low sexy voice, sending shivers of delight down Izuku's spine.

"What are you doing..?" The omega asked in a murmur. He was still half-asleep but what Katsuki was currently doing to him was making him feel so good. Izuku couldn't help the soft whimper that escaped his pink lips when one finger slowly entered him.

Katsuki kept pressing soft kisses to Izuku's mark as he began to gently finger his omega. "I want to hold you and hear your beautiful moans." He seductively whispered in his deep voice.

Because of his injury, Katsuki hadn't been able to hold Izuku during the whole journey back. But now that he was feeling better, he couldn't wait to finally have Izuku in his arms again. He wanted to feel the omega's tight walls around him so much and couldn't wait to hear Izuku's irresistible moans as he pleasured him...

Katsuki wanted to make Izuku feel amazingly good. Pleasuring his omega was important for him.

Izuku felt his stomach flutter at Katsuki's words. "Oh..." The omega could only say, before suddenly moaning when Katsuki added another finger inside him. "Ngh, Katsuki..." He called out between soft mewls of delight.

"You smell so good." Katsuki murmured as he slowly stretched Izuku open, his nose buried into the omega's scent gland. "You're so soft and warm, inside." He described. "So damn tight..."

Katsuki was already so hard. He was throbbing and pulsing, begging to enter Izuku's perfect heat. But the alpha kept slowly fingering Izuku until he was sure the omega was ready to take him. He didn't want to hurt him.

He eventually pulled his fingers out of Izuku's entrance once he thought the omega was ready and took his hardened length in his hand instead. He gave himself a few slow strokes, lubing his shaft with Izuku's slick, before guiding it to the omega's entrance.

Izuku felt his heart race in anticipation. He couldn't see Katsuki but the arm protectively wrapped around his waist and all the loving kisses he was receiving from the alpha were reassuring him. He felt loved and cared for.

"Stay relaxed for me, princess," Katsuki whispered as he placed one hand under Izuku's thigh, lifting one of the omega's legs to have better access to his entrance. He then rolled his hips a few times, not entering Izuku yet but gently nudging the omega's entrance with the head of his cock.

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