Chapter Eleven

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This is my favorite please ignore me :3))

Unlike my trips on the bus with other students, which we sing to just annoy one another or go on our phones to play an online game with everyone, this trip was far the best one, no one talked too much, no one was annoying the hell out of others.... well, maybe except for Kageyama and Hinata, but other than those two, no one else was being annoying.

I sat in between Yams and Tsukishima who were both in an awkward silence. I was uncomfortable...

I put my wireless earphones in my ears to listen to F/m (Favorite music). Music usually calms my mind and keeps my thoughts in checked as I hummed softly to myself and nodding my head along with the music as I could feel my nervousness disappearing. I played my playlists as I scrolled through my phone and decided to continue watching the shows... but I stopped realizing I was seated with two of the characters. I sighed to myself and decided to watch a different show. Ghost Adventures maybe?...You know what? I just go through my social media.

Timeskip brought you by Hinata the Baby Crow

Everyone got off the bus as Hinata was practically excited about this day as he and Noya were both jumping up and down excitedly.

"Need my help on unloading the drinks Kiyoko-san?" I asked the third year. 

She gave me a soft smile and shook her head. "you've help out a lot Y/n-kun, thank you. I can handle things from here." She replied and bowed her head to me. 

"No need for that, it's actually kind of embarrassing to have a third year bowing to me..." I said as I shook my head. I walked with her and the others as we talked about the set up once we start our first match.

Upon arrival near the entrance, I could over hear some students close to the billboard where a list of schools were on to see who would go against who on the first game. I stopped walking and tuned my ears on their conversation. 

"No, Aoba Johsai is on the roll this year," A student says, "I hear Oikawa surpassed everyone since becoming a third year..."

"I also heard Seijoh's first years are amazing jumpers..." The student next to him replied. Seijoh..? Oikawa...? Ahhhh, now that I think about it...

"Yea but they probably won't get pass Dateko's blockers. I'm glad we're not in the A block." the other chuckled. 

If I remember correctly, they would miss pronounce our school name....

"Lets see this block..... To....Torino?"

"I think it's pronounced Karasuno. I heard they were a strong powerhouse once not too long ago, but not anymore. I think they were now called the Fallen Powerhouse? Flightless crows even." The male snickered

I hope they can feel the glare I'm giving them, because I'm not letting them discriminate my team like that as I can feel the others had stopped in their tracks as well to look and glare at the students.... at least some of them with a scary look.

One of them took notice of us.

"Hey shut up-" The other male beside his friend began before P/n flew down from the sky cawing and squawking, scaring the daylights out of the wimps.

"Flightless crows you say..." I began and grabbed Tanaka's jacket before he could even take one step closer to the two boys. "I'd best avoid that sentence if I were you.... My crow over here...well... he doesn't take kindly to stranger who dares say that.." I said giving them an expressionless look that is unknown.

The two boys just stood there paralyzed in fear. 

"...Let's go." I said as I walked ahead of the others dragging Tanaka with me. 

"I don't know what's scarier, the fact Y/n is so calm about this, or the fact he can look at someone's direction and scare them off without trying." Suga said with a light hearted laugh as the others followed behind me.

We entered the building as eyes turned to our direction. I finally let Tanaka go as I went through my phone once more.

"who is that? They look so pretty.."

"They are... dude ask one of them out, I dare ya.."

"You think I even have a chance."

Some of these students maybe talking about me and Kiyoko-san... considering people mistake me for a girl... I was about to say something, but the two simps, plus Hinata became guard dogs around me and her. 

"Oh my god why..." I said stopping Hinata with a small hit on the head with my phone.

"Yamero.." Kiyoko said as well hitting the two simps with a clipboard. 

The three crows finally calmed down as I rolled my eyes and looked over to Kageyama who seemed to have to deal with other whispers that were about him. I looked over to the boys who were making a description of him as they flinched when they say me. 

I bowed my head before turning around and catching up to the others.

We peeked in the gym that we were assigned to as I hummed. "wow... that does look amazing.." I said.

"It is!!!" Hinata practically squealed. 

Maybe I should take pictures while I can... I opened the camera app and took a picture of the gym by the doorway. 

I turned to take a picture of the team, but I had to make sure everyone was in the frame. "Hey guys look over-" I began before I bumped my back to someone. "...Here.." I finished my sentence and looked at the person I bumped into.

" I finished my sentence and looked at the person I bumped into

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"Um.... hi?" I began as the big guy's shoulders tensed and his expression even harden. If I was any kind of fanboy or girl.... I would be freaking out. But no. Instead.... 

I reached up and pat his white hair as my team looked at me in shock. "There's no need to get so heated... or even be tensed..." I said and turned to back around to face the team. "Alright, everyone smile for the camera." I said. 

They were all still in major shock as they forced a smile and I took a picture of them. "Sweet, this is going to the...huh?" I began before feeling a heavy hand on my shoulder that made me turn back around the the guy who was still there and looked at me in the eyes. "I-" I began before feeling someone forcefully pulled me away from the guy and looked up to see Asahi, for the first time, with a hard cold glare.

"Don't touch that isn't yours.." Asahi said, in a really low and threatening tone...

I only blinked. What the hell does that even mean...? I didn't say anything as I could feel the tension rising between these two. "Asahi-san, lets just go... everyone, in the gym please..?" I said as Daichi and Suga were tugging onto Asahi, getting him and I to follow them in the gym, both Asahi and that guy's eyes never broke contact until they were both out of eyesight from each other. 

And that my friends... is the first time I've seen Asahi act like that... and saw the devil within him.

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