Chapter Twenty-Six

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"One touch!" I called out to the others as I took a step back let the other members get the ball as I ran to the other end of the net and jumped the same as Hinata. Right now we were up against Ubugawa. I did I cross court shot the instant Kageyama tossed to me. 

I've been using crossshots lately... at least that's what the name of the type of spike I was doing is called.. Maybe I should use a different technique... 

I was thinking deeply to myself for a moment before hearing Yaku shouting at Lev from the court next to us. 

"STOP STARING AT HIM DAMMIT AND FOCUS ON YOUR SPIKES AND RECEIVES!!" Yaku yelled kicking him right in the toochie.

"OW!!" Lev exclaimed and whined, "At this point, I might as well be as flat as a door..."

"I feel insulted for some reason." Oikawa said as Matsun and Makki snickered.

I looked around the gym seeing most of the team playing, the aces in their team spiking, switching, and taking being in sync... That was when I had an insane idea..

"Hey Hinata?" I began.

"huh? Yea?" He asked and then stopped before quickly backing all the way up till his back was touching the wall and pointing at me. "Y-You're not Y/N-CHAN!!!" He exclaimed as I gave him an annoyed look.

"HA???" I replied and walked up to him as he continued to stammer his words.

"Th-The real Y/n-chan wouldn't used my name!!!!"

"Can't I use a person's name once?!"

"I have the holy bible!" Asahi called.

"I have the rope!" Noya added in.

"And I have the holy water!" Tanaka chimed as he came in hte gym dragging a faucet hose.

"Idiots! A bunch of idiots!!" I said as I stormed out of the gym and stuck my nose up and huffed, slamming the door close behind me. "Stupid idiots won't even listen, just because I didn't say a nickname, baka, Karasuno, baka!"

I stopped when I noticed a group of students hopped off  bus wearing the same jerseys a blue and white one. I tilted my head a bit as I went up to get a better look of them.

One of them had their backs turned so I can see the name of their jacket. "Kamomedai High School?" I said out loud as the team turned to me.

"Yea, that's us, got a problem with that?" A voice said as I looked up to come face to face with a white haired boy. For a moment I thought it was Hinata but then again blue doesn't really suit him. "What are you staring at girl? Hurry up! We don't have all day!"

"Kourai, you shouldn't look down at girls like that, you do know they have insecurities

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"Kourai, you shouldn't look down at girls like that, you do know they have insecurities." A boy with brunette said to him as he came up beside the boy named Kourai and bowed his head apologetically to me. "Sorry about that miss, my friend here can be on the aggressive side sometimes" He said with a kind soft and gentle smile.

"....I'm a guy." I plainly said as awkwardness lingered in the air.

".....Are... Are you sure?" Kourai asked

"Yes I'm fucking sure.."


Ah well! My name is Hirugami Sachiro, this is our ace, Kourai Hoshiumi." The boy introduced as he kept the plastered smile on.

"L/n Y/n, er I guess welcome to Nekoma's summer training camp?" I replied.

"Lame," Kourai replied, "do we really have to be here?"

"We have to, our coach accepted the invitation remember?" Hirugami answered as Kourai grumbled to himself.

"....The little giant-" I began.

"YOU KNOW THE LITTLE GIANT?!" Kourai perked up.

"...wannabe." I finished, "you seriously have trouble on trying not to interrupt someone when they're talking, its considered rude you know." I said and shook my head. "Anyway, come on, I'm sure you and your team would want to catch up with what happened yesterday."

With that, I lead the group to the gym as practice was on hold for now until Kamomedai High catches up on what was practiced and such. 

Until then, I stayed with Ushijima and Sakusa who were conversing with each other for the time being. 

When I approached, Sakusa placed his water bottle down and got some wipes from his bag and cleaned my jacket as I talked with Ushijima next. 

"Y/n the tiger, come sleep at our dorm tonight." Ushijima said bluntly.

"WHAT A BOLD ACTION WAKATOSHI-KUN!!!" Tendou exclaimed as Semi and Shirabu spat out their drinks and coughed.

Goshiki was stoked. He wanted to get to know me after seeing all my crazy crossshots and plays. Even though our team keeps losing in these matches, he didn't seem to care. "Yea! Yea! Pretty please Y/n-senpai?!" He asked from afar jumping up and down.

"Too much bacteria... come stay at ours N/n," Sakusa offered once he finished cleaning my jacket and stood beside. 

Here we go again... I sighed as my head began to hurt from all of this.

"N/N-SAAAANN!!!" Elycia called out, snapping me away from my thoughts as I looked over to her, who was waving her arms around and jumping in the air.

"Idiot, I told you to wear sweatpants or shorts! Not a skirt!" I called out and shook my head before excusing myself as I walked over to her. Once again all eyes are on me with my every move.  "What is it Pinkie Pie, you do realize everyone is coming right at you right?" I told her as Yachi stayed close to her. 

At least she finds him a good company.

"You have to come with me and Yachi to a secret place, you're going to love it!" She squealed, "plus, since I'm a good friend, and practically accidentally slash purposely spilled the anime show, I have the post skip manga books in my bag!"

"Really?!" I said with wide eyes and then cleared my throat a bit, "I mean... that's cool, mind if I...borrow one?" I asked.

"Of course silly! But lets meet up later tonight, I'll send you the address later," She whispered as she gave Yachi a nod before both of them leaving the gym.

"I didn't really think she would become friends with Yachi, considering back at our school how she complains she was a scaredy cat through out the entirety of the manga and anime.

"Well, people change," I told myself as Hinata jogged over to me. 

"Hey y/n-san!! S-Sorry for being overexaggerating earlier ehehe..." Hinata said apologetically and with embarrassment.

"It's fine," I said and mess with his hair.

He smiled a bit as he perked up. "That's right! You wanted to tell me something earlier, what was it?" He asked curiously

"Well..." I began, "I was hoping if you would want to do a one on one session practice with me." I said to Hinata but the two of us got startled when everyone yelled in unison.


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