Chapter 21 - Lost in the Present

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A/N: The story will now pick up from where we left off on Chapter 3.



Manila. 2020.

Franki is inside her car, sitting on a red light along an intersection at BGC. She had just come from a travel fair at a mall in Pasay City with her friend, Maza.

She's not one to go to these types of events but somehow, something had urged her to go. This also surprised Maza as she didn't expect that Franki would say yes to her invitation since the latter has been too preoccupied ever since she came back from a life-changing trip.

It has been a week since Franki got back from Palawan.

It has also been a week since Sky had broken up with her.

She smiled and shook her head in amusement at the unexpected turn of events.

Not that she wanted to, but she had expected Sky to propose to her. But instead, he did the exact opposite and ended their almost three-year relationship which definitely took her by surprise.

Franki couldn't explain it but instead of feeling devastated, she felt a sense of relief like she had been somehow freed from something she had always wanted to be free from.

She averted her gaze at the shotgun seat of her car and looked at the brochures and flyers she got from the travel fair earlier.

She took the brochure that caught her attention the most and looked at it again.

A smile escaped from her lips as she thought about Diana

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A smile escaped from her lips as she thought about Diana. The concept of this resort somehow reminded her of the business proposal she and Diana made back when they became partners in one of their classes in college.

"This is interesting," she whispered to herself. "Who would've thought someone would actually build a resort for the brokenhearted? Must've been a genius," she smiled and shook her head. "Maybe this is what I need— a reset. And maybe after this, I'll finally have the courage to look for Diana and fight for her this time... if she'll still have me."

Franki returned the brochure back on the seat as the light turned green, signaling the cars on her lane to proceed.

She put down the hand break and stepped on the gas and drove straightaway.

Her eyes were focused in front since she the vehicles on either side of the intersection were on a stop.

She had almost crossed the intersection when a speeding van coming from the left side suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Franki's eyes grew wide as her grip on the steering wheel tightened. She tried to avoid the collision by stepping on the breaks but it was too late— the van had now crashed onto Franki's car with the driver's side as the point of impact.

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