Chapter 1

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Lisa's Pov

"Please place all you belongings into the over head compartment"  the flight  attendant lady said

yea yea i heard you for the first ten times . I love travelling but i hate airports and airplanes it's the worst always in hurry and in a hassle

The good thing was that i was seated on the back of the plane most people hated seating on the back seat of the plane but i actually didn't mind it. It was usually empty and i had it for myself. So i wasn't complaining about that and i also have window seat so it's cherry on the cake.

I didn't have much with me on board just a little  backpack that carried my essentials. Phone , camera , sketchbook , pencil case and few necessities.

I didn't listen to the lady and just put my bag in between my feet. I'm such a rebel right? Joking I don't like bothering people in the middle of the flight asking them to move so that i can get my bag or asking them to get it for me.

I was so zoned out i didn't even realize the person that approached my side and  was stuffing their belongings into over head compartment. I looked at them and can tell they were female i couldn't see their face due to them struggling to put their things away.

Oh great i guess i wasn't lucky this time and didn't have the seats for myself. I checked my phone while i still could since we weren't taking off yet.

The person plopped down in the seat next to me. They adjusted themselves and strapped on their seatbelt.

"Hello" the cheery voice said

I turned off my phone screen and turned my head to their direction
"Hel-loi ended up stuttering after i saw them. She was absolutely stunning. I don't think I've ever seen a women so beautiful.

She let out a little laugh "Hi I'm Irene Bae" she said as she took out her hand for me to shake it. I grabbed ahold of it and shook it. "Hello I'm lisa"  i said with a soft smile

"Looks like it just us two here" she said gesturing to them empty seat next to her i looked up to see that no one was longer standing and had already sat down in their seat

I nodded "oh yeah better for us" I said  and she nodded in agreeing

"Attention ladies and gentlemen please turn off your phones your plane is ready to depart please remain seated" the pilot said

I switched off my phone and Irene did the same i took the time to look out the window and appreciate the view of New York one last time I'd probably never get to come back or if I was fortunate enough I'd come back later in my life.

My eyes were still glued out of the window taking every little thing my eyes saw.

"You really enjoy sight seeing don't you?"  Irene asked

I looked away from the window "oh um yeah , I'm just appreciating everything before we leave." I said

"I take it you don't come to New York very often."  She said

I shook my head " Nope If i could i definitely would but unfortunately i can't"  i said

"If you don't mind me asking what do you do?"  She asked

"Oh well I'm a college student and art is my major." I said.

"Oh that's cool what kind of Art?"  She asked again with curiosity.

" I'm still pretty undecided but I'm thinking about graphic design I don't know there are many things i can do i want to keep my mind open.".

She smiled "Yeah i get you" she responded

"So what brings you to New york?" She asked

" Oh well this trip was a gift from my fam as a birthday present I've always wanted to come and visit ever since i was a kid and my fam helped make that dream come true." I said

"Aww that's so sweet also happy late birthday" she said i blushed i was about to thank her but was caught off guard when she wrapped her arms around my neck and brought me in for a hug i raised my eyebrows and my eyes widened

I guess i blushed a little"Um thank you"  i replied with a smile.

"Sorry I'm a hugger , when was your birthday?"  She asked

"Oh it was actually a couple  months ago i wanted to finish my semester of school so i could come to my trip and relax." I said

"Nice" she said

The airplane picked up the
speed i knew we're going to lift up any moment now

I gulped and took the deep breath I've been on airplane before but i never got used to this feeling

My grip on the hand rest tightened as the plane start to lean back.

Irene noticed my frightened state and moved my hand off the hand rest and slipped her hand in mine she squeezed my hand a little letting me know everything is okay the plane lifted off the ground and was now up in the air.

I let out a breath and scratch the back of my neck

Irene laughed a little "You're not used to flights are you?" She asked

I shook my head " No I'm not scared of flights it just take off freaks me out for some reason"  i

She giggled at me  i then noticed that our  hands  were still intertwined i starred at them and smiled. I guess Irene noticed she was still holding my hand as well so she pulled away leaving me a little disappointed...

I hope you guys give same love to the book 2 of chances.

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Lostsoul 🤗❤️🙏

Chances (Book 2) Lisirene and jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now