Chapter 19

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"So what class do you have next?" Irene asked

"Drawing" I told her she nodded and we made our way to my next class.

"Wow Lisa not late to class" My friend Sana said as she entered the classroom and took a seat next to me.

"Shut up minatozaki" I said and she just laughed

"Who's your friend?I feel like I have seen her somewhere" She asked pointing at Joohyun

"This is joohyun" I said not wanting to tell her stage name.

Sana stuck out her hand and Joohyun reached it to grab it

"Hello I'm Sana"  she said

"Joohyun" joohyun said with a smile

"It's nice to meet you Joohyun" Sana said as she set back at her seat

"I'm going get some supplies" Sana said and excused herself

"So that's Sana" Joohyun said  and I laughed

"Yeah without her we probably wouldn't be a couple" I said and Irene gasped

"How so?" She asked

"Well if she wouldn't have texted me  you wouldn't have gotten jealous and I would have never remembered about my art extra credit and then you wouldn't have became my model" I said and Irene laughed

"Well looks like I have to thank her for giving me best thing I now have." She said.

I put my drawing board on easel which covered Irene and I and I leaned in and gave her a kiss

"You mean the  best thing I have" I said

"That's it for today class good job" Mr foster said as he got up from his desk.

"So how did it go?" I asked turning to Irene to see how she did on her drawing

"I'll never understand how you're so good at this"  she said showing me  her piece of paper.

"It's not even bad" I said truthfully

"Oh right look at Yours you are so good"  she said looking at mine

"Well we all can't be great at everything" I said

"I'm not good at anything" she said stubbornly and pouting while crossing her arms.

"Oh really?" I asked "So you are telling me all those awards that you have won and all those fans you have aren't because you're an amazing singer?" I asked

She tried to stay mad but the grin on her face couldn't  help but show.

"Wow Lisa this is better than last weeks" Sana said while looking at my drawing

"Thanks but yours is way better. you did amazing on shading I still need help with that" I said

"Na You're getting there don't worry. if you need help send me texts and I'll help you out but you really don't need it." She said

"Anyway I gotta go to my next class I'll see you later babe" Sana said hugging me then waved to Joohyun

"It was nice meeting you" Sana said

I turned to Irene and I see Irene glaring at her but then put on a fake smile "Nice meeting you too" she replied

Once Sana walked out of the door I looked up at Irene to see her glaring at me.

"What?" I asked confused

"Did you not hear what she called you?" She asked

"Yeah and?" I replied

"You know now that I remember from your text you two were close and now after seeing you both interact in person I can tell that the both of you are even closer than I imagined and then she even called you babe" Irene said in annoyed tone.

I looked at her and then I just started laughing

"You're really think Sana is into me?" I asked and she nodded her head and I laughed again

"Baby she calls everyone "babe" and secondly I swear we are just good friends we're just close"  I said

"Too close" she said

"Irene she has a girlfriend" I said and she looked up at me.

"She has a girlfriend named Tzuyu and may I add she's engaged" I said Irene looked down a little embarrassed

"Yeah well she still can have a little crush on you" Irene added

"If that girl had a crush on me she would've been all on me by now .do you know how many times she talked to me about her sex life that girl gives very explicit detail" I said to Irene and she just gave me a weird look

"Okay TMI" she said

"Okay I'm trying to make you see we're just friends" i said with a laugh

"Sorry it's just seeing how popular you are today made me think about other people that might be into you" she said

"Joohyun I'm not popular You only met two of my friends today" I said

"But they were both good looking"  she said

"You're fucking goddess" I said and she blushed

"It's only you okay baby" i said going up to her and gave her a kiss

"One more?" She asked and I smiled but gave her another one.

"Wait I'm kidding last one" she said again and I gave her another kiss.

Chances (Book 2) Lisirene and jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now