Chapter 10

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Lisa's Pov

I'm sitting at my desk facing my computer screen with a blank document i have absolutely no idea how to start this essay.

I ran my fingers across the keyboard and just started to type words and hopefully it'll make sence in the end.

After 10 mins of doing that my phone started ringing

"Hello" i answered with checking who was it.

"Hey you" i recognised the voice it was Joohyun

I sat my phone down on the desk and
put it on speaker

" Hey What's up" I responded

"Well i just got out of the studio and i was wondering if you wanted to go and eat something" she asked

"Aw I'd love to but I'm working on damn essay" i said and heard her sign

"Well what if i bring some food and help you with your essay" she said in very cheery voice

I felt my stomach growl i haven't eaten anything since I've been doing my homework and studying the boys went out so they didn't cook anything

"Um yeah that sound cool" i replied.

"Great I'll stop by to get something" she said i could tell she was smiling wide

"Okay sounds good get whatever you want" i said then said our goodbyes

It's been about two weeks since I've seen her the night she met all of my friends was a great night she had such a fun time and said it was cool to hang out with such great people.

She's always recording or doing some photoshoot or she's just hanging out with celebrity friends

I'd say I'm jealous but I'm not , i mean i do feel a little sad when I can't see her as often as I'd like I'm not one to tell her what she can or can't do. It just that i crave for her presence. I've never felt like this towards anyone.

Could i be crushing? I've never crushed on a girl like this before i can sense at times She's flirting with me. I heard a knock on my door

I went to open it and was met with beautiful girl

"Hi lisa" she said with a big smile and i smiled back

"I brought pizza" she said

I let her in and then helped her set the food on the table once i set it down she jumped on me but i instantly caught her . She wrapped her arms around my neck. "I missed you" she said hiding her face in my neck.

"I missed you too" i responded

"I know I've been a little distant and I'm really sorry. I've been extremely busy , I don't want you to think I'm ignoring you or anything it was killing me that i didn't talk or see you for so long" she said in completely sincere voice while she was playing with my hair.

"No it's fine don't worry i completely understand Joohyun besides famous people aren't the only ones with responsibility college students have it pretty hard too" i said she laughed

"Where are the boys?" She asked

" Oh they went out today not sure where but they've been gone all day" i told her

"Aww so you have been all alone all day" she asked i nodded.

"Aww baby" she said and kissed my cheek

I froze once she did that i felt my face blush i just let out a little laugh

"So uhm pizza"  she said breaking our silence

"Oh right do you want to eat here or in my room" i asked her

"Um it doesn't matter to me" she said

"Let's eat in my room because it looks too lonely out here" i said shd laughed

She put down the stuff on my bed on my desk and i finally set down on my bed. Without thinking i gave her a kiss on her cheek as i pulled away to go to sit on my  desk chair

I mentally slapped myself for my sudden action but once i looked back at her i saw her smiling as she had her hand caressing the spot that I kissed

"What are you writing about"  she asked

"Oh my topic is what are the obstacles students face that cause them to not succeed in school" i told her as i went back to writing on my laptop

I heard my phone ding that i got a text
"Can you check it for me?" I asked her she hummed a yed she reached for my phone and read out my text.

" It's from Vince he said Taeyoung got drunk with the guys and that they're just going to crash at jin's house"  she said

"Great it looks like I'm alone tonight" i said

"I can stay if you want?" She asked still going through my phone

"You don't have to"  i responded looking at her.

"I want to" she said as kissed my forhead i laid my head on her shoulder

"Uhm lisa"  she said i hummed in response

" Who's sana?"  She asked i furrowed my eyebrows

"My friend from school why?" I asked

"She sent you text saying don't forget about Tonight what does that mean?"  She asked in tone that seemed a little jealous

"Tonight i don't know"i responded confused trying to think

"Judging by your texts you two seem pretty close too close" she said

"okay that's enough of looking through my phone"  i said as i snatched it out of her hand

She got off my bed looking pissed

"Well if you're supposed to go hangout with sana then go"  she said really annoyed.

" Joohyun no i didn't made plans with her i have no idea what she talking about"  i told her " let me ask her what she means maybe she texted the wrong number" i added

Joohyun had her arms crossed amd was just glaring at me

"Why are you so mad about it?" I asked her and laughed a little and her face softened a little and she looked away

"I'm not"  she said

"Yeah you kinda are" i responded

"Because lisa"  she said and I raised my eyebrows

"Because why?" I asked

"Because be- because"  she stuttered out

"Because you're mine lisa"

How you like that 😁❤️
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