Chapter 44

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Lisa's POV

"So since we just finished a year and  half tour  I'm taking a rest now just  relaxing here gathering up some new inspiration and writing daily. It's been really relaxing"  She said as she played with the food on her plate with her fork

"That's cool. How's  touring like?"  I asked

"It's cool I get to spend time with my members and get to meet our fans it's a great experience" she said

"That's awesome" I said

"Definitely" she said "but enough about me. How are you. How are the guys?" She asked

"Well the guys are off doing there own stuff as well. Vince is a big time photographer now taking pictures of famous  models amd brands. He does stuff for me sometimes" I said and she stared at me intrigued

"As  for Tae my boy is finally a music  producer and is going to come out with his own album soon so I'm excited for that" I said she smiled

"No way? That's awesome. I can't wait to hear" she said

"As for me you already pretty much know" I said with a laugh making her laugh as well. "I get lonely at times in my own house tho. I miss waking up to Tae blasting music and Vince cooking breakfast" I said

"But you live with Jennie don't you?" She asked as she sipped her drink staring at me blankly causing me to gulp at her mention of my girlfriend

"I do" I answered looking away from her eyes

"How's she?"  She asked looking down as well with what seemed to be a frown

"She's good. Has her own clothing line but also helping run her parents business when she can" i said

"A-and  you guys are good? Y-you're happy?" She asked me as she still looked down playing with the straw in her drink mixing the ice around

"Yeah I am" I said lowly because the whole conversation made me feel wierd and awkward.

Before she could reply or say anything her phone started ringing and she stared at me apologetically I nodded that it was okay for her  to answer

She seemed hesitant to answer at first but she finally did

I looked away and continued eating as she talked to who knows on the phone

"I'm out with a friend" she said replying to the person on the other line

I took out my phone to make it seem like I wasn't paying attention but I was

She answered questions like when she'd be home and stuff before finally saying "okay love you too"

After hearing her say those words knowing it was most likely towards a man on the other side of the line it brought a bit of a sting to my heart not gonna lie

"Sorry he was asking what he should make for dinner tonight" she making me nod understanding

It tripped me out that she never stayed with the guy that actually broke us up . But now she had been with this new guy for the past year

I nodde giving her a smile. "And you? You're happy? I asked and she smiled at me warmly and nodded

"I am" she responded

"What does he do again? I asked pretending like I never Googled his whole life when I found out they were dating

"Uh he's love expert" she said almost embarrassed to say

"Wait like Seriously" I asked amused. Come on Irene you can do better then that

"Yeah. I know it sounds silly but besides that he's really good guy" she said before taking a sip of her drink

Last I heard he steals money from his clients . But yeah I'm sure he's fantastic.

"No offense but he looks old I said with a laugh

"Yeah  we have age gap" she said

"How big?" I asked

"Ten years" she said and my eyes widened

"Woahh" I said shocked she'd be dating someone so old

"Yeah I know I just wanted someone mature" she said "My mom use to watch his videos and make me take notes but I met him at the show once and we kinda clicked" I said

"Well cool good for you I guess" I said laughing awkwardly

"Does he use his moves on you" I asked she laughed

"No no he doesn't" she said

"Ofcourse he doesn't" I said sarcastically which made her laugh

She began to laugh uncontrollably throwing her head back covering her face with her hands causing a leap in my heart and my lips to smile wide

When she died down from laughing she ran her fingers through her hair and stared at me with that beautiful smile still on her face

"I'm gald we did this" she said "I'm glad you agreed to having lunch" she said

"Iam too" I said sincerely

"I was hesitating these last few days  to visit you after charity even because I thought perhaps you didn't  want to talk to me again but then after I saw you had liked the picture I posted of us it gave me confidence to do so" she said

"Sorry I was so late on that I don't go on social media much" I said shrugging

"Wow still living under a rock I see" she said giggling

"Just living in the world I created" I said

"Oh okay someone's a big baller now" she said

"I got money to blow Irene" I said in a silly manner

"Okay how about we go shopping then?" She asked

"God no please" I said

"Don't tell me you still hate shopping" she said

"When you have Someone like Jennie who practically lives to shop I learnt to hate the mall more than I already did" I said I looked up but my smile faded as I saw Irene's smile fade at the mention of my girlfriend

She then shrugged it off and put a smile back on

"Come on I'll buy you something" she said I shook my head

"It's fine honestly" I said "besides I need to return to my office. My employees will start a fire with only dev in charge" I said

she pouted but nodded "okay we have to see eachother soon again" she said

"You will" I said as I reached into my pocket and handed her an envelope

"What's this?" She asked as she took a look at it

"There's two invites in there for my exhibition opening" I said

"Why two?" She asked as she took them out

"Well one for you and for whoever you'd like to take" I said thinking she'd like  to take one of her members

"Thankyou that's so thoughtful of you" she said with a smile.

We finished our food then paid and as we walked out the establishment we made our ways to our own cars standing in between them.

"I'll see you soon then" she said and I nodded smiling "yeah see you soon" I said

She pulled me in for a hug and then just like last time she left a kiss on my cheek before pulling away and then going into car

Leaving me standing there with the feeling of her lipgloss on my skin again

Chances (Book 2) Lisirene and jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now