Chapter 14 - We're okay

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(A/N: this is just a fluff chapter, I'm still working out the best way to introduce a new problem, so stay tuned for that.)

Austin POV:
I was in my room, laying on my bed when I got a call from Kade.

"Hey Kade what's up—" I asked when I was cut off.

"We were attacked." I froze. "Cecily killed someone me."

Holy shit. Ceci killed someone?

"H-h-how?" I asked. My brain couldn't understand how such a sweet innocent person could kill someone.

"A man tried to take her, she fought with him and ended up stabbing him in self defense."

"Is she okay?"

"She's shaken up, as much as I hate to say it, but she could probably use your company right now."

With that I was off, driving to Ceci's house. My dad was home with Autumn so I wasn't too concerned about leaving her there.

I rushed up the stairs, after Kade let me in, and found Ceci crying on her bed, with Liam by her side. I slowly walked over to her and rapped my arms around her. I exchanged glances with Liam, who left to give us privacy.

"Shhhhh, it's okay, your okay, we're okay," I whispered sweet nothings in her ear as I heals the back of her head with my hand. Resting my head on her, kissing it softly.

"I-I killed someone" she sobbed.

I held her tighter. "Shhhhhhhhh"

We stayed like this for a bit before I felt her body go lip against me.

She fell asleep.

She looked so cute. She was snoring slightly, and her nose was scrunched up. I lied down, allowing her body to be horizontal while she slept. My arms were still around her, still holding her tight. In her sleep state, she snuggled closer to my chest. I didn't want to breath, I was so scared she would wake up. I kissed the top of her head, before I quietly whispered everything I love about her.

She looked so peaceful, an innocence I've only ever seen from my sister. She was so pure, it was unfair she had to grow up constantly under attack. It scared me, I thought about what would happen when Autumn gets old enough to understand what we actually do. It scared me, would Autumn ever kill someone?

No she couldn't. But what if she did?

I need to stop my thoughts, I don't realize myself falling asleep as well. But soon enough I was out like a light.

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