Chapter 40 - The Plan

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~11 Years Later~
(A/N: I know this is a huge time skip, but I need the kids to be older for this plot to work, but I promise I will have a lot more flashbacks to their youth, and if you want to see a certain thing don't hesitate to comment.)

Austin POV:
"Goodbye dad, see you soon." My now eleven year old daughter waved to me after I dropped her off at school.

"Bye princess, have a great day!" I told her back and drove off.

Today I was going to see Demarco, the man who saved my life sixteen years ago, that was helping me take down Romanov. It's taking twice as long since I'm trying to stay hidden. However we were getting extremely close to something that would insure he would never be a threat to my family again. And when I say close, i mean it's going down tomorrow.

I arrived at Demarcos warehouse we were using and started getting to work on the plan.

Soon enough it was almost three o'clock.


I grabbed my phone and called Xander. The phone rang until my sons voice sounded "Hey dad what's up?"

"Xan can you pick up your sister from school today please, I'm stuck at the office and your moms flight doesn't land for another hour." I said referring to the fact that Cecily was visiting her brother about taking down Romanov and getting his help.

"Ya sure, but one question—can I go out tomorrow night?"

"Um actually tomorrow isn't a good day to be going out son, how about you reschedule."

"But dad—"

"No buts. Please Xan just stay home tomorrow, plus you need to babysit your sister anyway. Your mother and I have some business to attend to."

~The Next Day~
Today was the day, we were going to execute Romanov. We were sneaking into a gala he was hosting and we would shoot him on the spot. I know it's harsh, but this man almost ruined our family.

At the gala:
We were following Romanov down a narrow hallway, he was going to show us his antique room, unknowing it was us....or so I thought. Just when I was about to pull out my weapon while he was faced back to us, he spoke "Austin I wouldn't do that if I were you." He turned around with a sinister smirk.

How? How did he know?

"Because you see, you kill me...they die." He pointed to two people who emerged from the shadows with guns to their heads.

Xander and Avangeline.

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