Chapter 35 - Gala

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Austin POV:
Tonight we are attending a gala in honor of our allies son taking over the mafia. Cecily's family is going to be there as well as her and I. Cecily is now six months pregnant and her belly bump is quite large, however she still looks fabulous.

"Babe can you put on my shoes I can't reach my feet?" Cecily asked walking into our bedroom from her closet.

I looked at the shoes I saw in her hand. "Heels? Are you sure your feet won't hurt?"

"Natalia gave me them she said they were the only ones that felt comfortable while she was pregnant." She responded. "So will you?"

"Of course, sit on the bed." I motioned and bent down to her feet. I took her foot and gave her a quick foot massage before strapping on the heel, doing the same for the other foot. "You look gorgeous by the way." I said helping her up from the bed.

"And you look dashing." She said moving closer to me. "You gonna shave or keep the stubble?" She started raising her hand to touch my chin.

"Mmmm well that depends do you like it unshaven?" I said in a seductive voice.

She just chuckled. "Come on dork, we're gonna be late."

We arrived at the gala and said our hellos. Soon enough our ally—the Spanish Mafia—finished their speech and the party officially started as a social event.

I was following Cecily around as she went to the food table and grabbed the grosses combination of food I can think of. "You want some?" She asked me.

"I'm good babe. Thanks." I replied

"AUNTIE CEC!" A small voice yelled. We turned and saw Xavier's son Jaxon running towards us with Xavier and Natalia trailing behind.

"Hey bud!" Ceci replied giving him a hug.

"Can your give me a piggy back ride Aunt Ceci?" He asked.

"Jax, you know Auntie Cec is pregnant, she cant give you one." Xavier told the four year old, who made a pouty face.

Cecily was about to say something when the sound of windows breaking and bullets being shot was heard.

Instinctively I pulled Cecily down and behind the snack table. Natalia and Jaxton also being pulled down by Xavier.

A few seconds later the shooting stopped only to be replaced with a familiar voice. "Where are the Mariano's!"


From what I could see all guests were either killed, hiding behind things, or holding their hands up in the air at the army of Romanovs men I could now see.

Antonio, the new don of the Spanish mafia was holding his hands up. Romanov pointed his gun at Antonio and asked; "I'll ask again, where are the Mariano's?" No one spoke, so Romanov motioned for his men to find them himself. "IF ANY OF YOU TRY ANYTHING ILL PUT A BULLET IN THE NEW DONS HEAD!"

Soon enough the men were searching everywhere, first they found Kade, who tried to fight but ended up getting pistol whipped instead. Then then found Alex, Xia, Claire, Luke, Aidan, and Liam. All of them where brought to their knees in front of Romanov, who lowered his weapon but had his men still pointing guns at Antonio.

"Where are the rest?" He asked his men. We were still hidden under the table when we saw footsteps coming closer.

I instinctively grabbed Cecily, Xavier pushed Natalia and Jaxton behind him. I felt Cecily grab something from my back pocket but I didn't pay much attention to it.

The shoes stopped and soon enough the table was flipped up and we were exposed. "Get up!" The man yelled while pointing a gun at us. I used my body to create a wall between Cec and the man. Xavier was doing the same while Natalia held Jaxton tight. When we got to the same place as the others we were instructed to stand up. Each of us having guns pointed at us.

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