Chapter 16

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Kate's POV

"Kate, are you ready?" I heard Niall yelling from downstairs.

"I'm almost done! Just wait!" I yelled back.

I put on my heels and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked okay. I sprayed a little bit of perfume and took a deep breath.

"Tonights gonna be perfect." I whispered to myself and walked out of my room and downstairs.

Niall's POV

"The ring.. Check." I whispered to myself and put the ring back in my pocket. I just wanted to make sure everything's ready.

I saw her walking down the stairs. Oh my, she's so beautiful. She's stunning. My mouth was wide open and she giggled.

"What?" she said and laughed.

"You just look.. wow." I said and laughed. We walked out and I opened the car door for her and helped her in.

"What a gentlemen." she said winking at me and I blushed a little. Then I got in the car and we drove off.

"Where are we going anyway?" she said punching me playfully in the arm.

"Somewhere, it's a surprise. It wouldn't be one if I tell you, wouldn't it?" I said and giggled.

30 minutes later, we arrived at the Marcy. One of the most expensive restaurants in the whole world.

"Niall.." Kate said and gasped. "It's all just for you." I said to her and we walked together holding hands.

"Name please?" the woman said. "Niall Horan." I told her.

"Please wait for a second.. Ah, good evening Mr and Mrs. Horan. Welcome to Marcy's, please come in." the woman said smiling and pointing us to get in the restaurant. The restaurant had an outdoor and indoor room.

"I'd like to sit outdoors." I said to the man and he led the way out side. Outside was a beach, Marcy's outdoor is located on the beach. The man founded an empty table and seated us there. A waiter came with our menu's. We ordered some food and the waiter walked away.

"Oh Niall, this is so beautiful!" she said with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Do you like-"

"Of course I like it! No one has ever cared for me this much! Niall, I love you so much!" she said cutting me off. We talked and joked about a lot of things.

Then our waiter came with our foods. "Enjoy." he said smiling at us and went to pick up plates from other tables. We ate and drank our wines, I think it's time.

"Excuse me everyone, may I have your attention." I said standing up holding my glass of wine and a tea  spoon hitting it softly against my glass of wine.

"You see this beautiful girl sitting in front of me, this is Kate. I am Niall Horan." I said and faced to her.

Kate's POV

"You see this beautiful girl sitting in front of me, this is Kate. I am Niall Horan." he said putting the glass down. What the hell is he doing?

"Kate." he said and faced to me. He put his hands in his pocket and got out a small blue box.

"I love you, you changed my whole life. I don't know what I'll do without you. You filled that hole inside of me. When I first met you, I was already crazed about you. I never thought I'd find a girl like you. Kate dear, I'll die for you. I'd do anything for you..." he said and slowly walked in front of me and bent down on one knee.

"Kate.." he said and opened the blue box. Oh my God.

"Will you be mine, forever?" he said and everyone was staring at me hoping that I would say yes.

"Heck yeah I wanna be yours forever!" I said throwing myself into his arms. Everyone clapped including the staffs that worked there. Some even wiped away their tears.

I got up and he did too. He placed the ring on my finger.

"Niall..." I said and felt tears ran down my cheeks.

"Oh baby, don't cry." he said wiping away my tears.

"How can I not? I'm engaged with the most handsome guy on earth!" and I sobbed even more.

"Come on, I'll pay the bills and-" "I wanna go to the supermarket. I wanna buy some food and celebrate our own engagement party at home. I'll cook you some food, maybe noodle." I said and winked at him and cried more tears of happiness.

"Get in the car, I'll see you there." he said.

Minutes later he got in the car and we drove off. We talked about our wedding plans, baby shower, rooms for our new babies, everything! He said he'll buy us a new house. And I asked if his parents knew and he said yes, he called about 4 days ago and their parents agreed on Niall marrying me.

"You go buy some food, I'm gonna go to the public toilet." I said to him and he nodded.

It was already dark, I looked at my iPhone and it says '11.43 PM'. I sighed and walked towards the bathroom. I stopped when I heard laughter behind me. One of them whistled and I turned around.

"Ooh baby, you lookin' good tonight." he said and walking towards me. I stepped back and hit the wall and there I had nowhere to go. There were two drunk guys, holy shit.

"Wanna go home with me? I'll take good care of you." he said and ran towards me. I did nothing but screamed as both the guys pinned me down to the ground and laughed.

"Let me go!" I said struggling and fighting but there's no use. They were far stronger than me. One of my hands were free and I immidiately slapped both of them.

"Why you little bitch, you've messed with the wrong guys." he said standing up and pulled out a gun.

He pulled the trigger. "N-" then there I opened my eyes widely. My vision was starting to blur and I saw both the guys being beat up. Later they ran away. I put my hand on my stomach and groaned in pain. I lifted my hand up and saw blood, lots and lots of blood.

Niall's POV

I heard a something from outside. What's happening? I went outside and looked at the car, no Kate.

"Kate where ar-" "NO-" I heard a girl screamed.

I look to my right and saw two guys, one of them was holding a gun and the other laughed. I looked down and saw a girl with a red dress, her dress was covered in blood. She kind of looked like Kat.. No. This can't be happening. 

I ran as fast as I could towards the guys and beat them up.

"YOU. DON'T. FUCKING. DARE. TOUCH. HER. AGAIN!" I said beating them up. Later, they ran away.

I breathed heavily and looked down at my fragile fiance lying there.

I ran down to her and break into tears.

"Baby, please talk to me. Talk to me!" I said kissing her face.

"Ni.. Niall..." I heard her talk with a soft voice.

"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" she said and I just sobbed.

"Niall, I love you. Please know that."

"No, you're going to be fine okay? Somebody, help! Help us! Hel-"

"Niall.." she said putting her finger on my mouth.

"I just don't wanna lose you, okay..?" I said to her and kissed her one more time.

"K-Ka-Kate, will you marry me? Will you be my wife?" I said groggily to her and squeezed her hands.

"Yes, I do." she said smiling at me.

"Kate, I love you. Your the best thing that has ever happened to me. You're going to be alright okay? We're gonna make it baby, we're gonna make it." I said to her and kissed her more and more.

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