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Note: Dean and Ketch's scenes will not be shown for the sake of this story. There's a ton of information involving you and Gabriel, and that's gonna be enough.

Castiel was called right after Dean and Ketch left for the Apocalypse World. Sam informed him of where his brother had gone as well as his twin sister and the archangel's return. The ex-angel was quite annoyed when he arrived.

"Dean is in Apocalypse World alone?" Castiel asked Sam irritably.

They were walking down the bunker's halls to where Gabriel and (Y/n) were. Sam held a silver tray, under it was something he needed the archangel to consume.

Sam raised one of his hands, shaking his head. "Well, he's with Ketch. So, he's not alone."

Castiel scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Because that makes it so much better." He was well aware of what happened when the Winchesters were last with Ketch, as well as who the British man had worked for.

"Cas, he wanted to go solo," Sam tried, ignoring the ex-angel's annoyed expression.

"And you let him?" Castiel snapped back, glaring at the moose.

The Winchester sighed and stopped in front of a door's arch, facing Castiel. "He didn't give me much of a choice. I even tried to convince him to stay here for a little bit, get (Y/n)'s story out on how she and Gabriel are alive, but he said mom and Jack are his first priorities." He glanced at the door for a moment. "And... Dean's right.

As long as he's over there and we're here, we need to be taking care of Gabriel and (Y/n), getting them right again."

When the two opened the door, Sam looked around and flipped on the switch. "Gabriel? (Y/n)?" His eyes fell on the two, who were curled up against each other next to a dresser. His heart dropped at the sight of his little sister... so broken.

Castiel's eyes widened a bit, but he kept his face straight. "You didn't tell me it was this bad," he lowered his voice to Sam, eyeing the two.

Sam bit down on his lip and looked away. "Well... years of isolation and torture... Asmodeus draining Gabriel's grace... I don't even know what he did to (Y/n)." He sighed and looked back at his twin. "Her mouth wasn't sewed shut like his was when Ketch brought them in... but she refused to speak." He started to move toward the two, gesturing for Castiel to follow. "Here, help me out."

Setting the tray down on the dresser, the Winchester slowly crouched down and reached for Gabriel, who he decided to deal with first. "Hey, Gabriel," the archangel didn't lift his head up until Sam touched him- to which he flinched back into his soulmate, frightened whimpers leaving his lips, (Y/n) whimpered right back, and moved closer to the archangel. Gabriel lifted his head, looking at Sam in fear. "Can... Can I get you two to the bed?" He gestured back and forth between Gabriel and the mattress. Castiel crouched down slowly, taking (Y/n)- who moaned at the loss of contact between her soulmate, as well as the given touch that wasn't Gabriel's. "It's okay, it's okay," Sam repeated the words as he lifted Gabriel onto the bed. Once the archangel and female Winchester were on, they curled back against each other.

Castiel let go of (Y/n) after she was set on the bed, eyeing her and his older brother before backing off.

Sam crouched down, meeting Gabriel's eyes. "Gabriel... it's Sam Winchester. Do you remember me?" The archangel didn't reply, just tightened his grip around (Y/n). "I'm (Y/n)'s twin brother... your soulmate's brother." The Winchester was hopeful that would get a reaction from both, or one of them... but no luck. He felt a bang of hurt. His sister had no reaction to him. "(Y/n)...?"

The ex-angel shook his head, eyeing Sam. "I don't think he does, and neither does (Y/n)." He looked at the female Winchester, who's eyelids were closed as she shook against Gabriel's body. Every time her name was mentioned, she seemed to react badly.

"Remember the video you sent to Dean Winchester and me after you supposedly... died..." Sam trailed off and looked at his twin, who was shaking rapidly now. The archangel was panicked himself, but the only fear he showed in his eyes- his grip was tight around (Y/n) at the mention of their death. "You helped us put Lucifer back in the cage." He smiled lightly, expression hopeful, but Gabriel only averted his eyes, burying his head into (Y/n)'s neck.

Castiel looked down at Sam. "Sam... he doesn't--"

"I know he doesn't," Sam interrupted in a snappy tone. He looked at (Y/n). "And it seems like she refuses to speak..." Sighing, he slowly stood back up, now looking down at the soulmates. "I just... trying to see what's going on in his head. The only thing I've got is that something must've happened for them to be so... attached to each other like this." He remembered the last time he'd seen his sister, how she was glued to Gabriel for not being around for the correct amount of time.

"Alright, well," Sam walks over to the tray and lifts the lid, revealing the tube of grace Ketch had left him. Castiel looked at it in shock as Sam lifted it. "Gabriel's grace... Ketch brought it." He twisted the lid open. "Maybe if he's juiced up, it'll help."

'Gabriel...' (Y/n)'s fearful tone filled the archangel's mind. Having been forced to watch Asmodeus take the grace from her soulmate, then use it on himself to power up. The vial brought back painful memories.

Sam crouched down to meet Gabriel's eyes again, slowly inching his hand with the vial of grace forward. The archangel flinched back and groaned, trying to keep himself away from the glowing vial. (Y/n) grabbed the sleeve on her soulmate's arm, seeing he didn't want his grace near him, and tried to drag them away from Sam. The problem with that being (Y/n) was too weak to move them both, and could only whimper in pain.

"Sam, I don't think he's gonna open up and let the 'choo-choo' in," Castiel informed gravelly. Sam swallowed and stood back up, eyeing the ex-angel. "A technique for feeding recalcitrant children." He took the vial from Sam, "I think a little coercion may be necessary. You need to remove your sister from him for this. He may not take it too well."

The male Winchester didn't want to do it, but if that's how Gabriel would take his grace... then that's how it would have to be. Sam slowly took his sister away from her soulmate while Castiel tried to force Gabriel to take the vial.

But the archangel wouldn't have it. 'GABRIEL!' (Y/n) cried out in her mind, and let out a hoarse scream, tears immediately streaming down her cheeks as she was forced away. Gabriel thrashed in Castiel's grip, to which Sam let go of (Y/n) to try and help- but the archangel grabbed his soulmate and rolled off the bed, and hid them both behind the nightstand. Gabriel breathed heavily as he shielded them, (Y/n) in the corner, crying and shaking.

Sam sighed, looking at Castiel. Wrong move.

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