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(Warning: Memories of abuse and a panic attack)

In the end, (Y/n) ended up staying in the Impala. She promised to only leave if absolutely necessary, meaning one of them was in danger, and the others couldn't help. Meaning, the ex-hunter was a last resort.

"Be careful, Gabriel," (Y/n) said hoarsely, not loud enough for her brothers to hear. Small words and phrases were all she could put out at the moment, and she wasn't comfortable with Sam and Dean hearing her voice yet.

The archangel gave her a lop-sided smile. "I'll try my best, sweets." He pecked her forehead and squeezed her hand. "Only come if needed, okay? You're a little rusty in fighting,' and I don't want you gettin' hurt."

(Y/n) nodded. "P-Promise." Then she closed her mouth once more. A simple wave was sent to her brothers, who had actually seen her speak.

Sam elbowed Dean, silently telling him to not say anything to her about speaking. "She's gotta get comfortable with someone first, and that's gonna be Gabriel."

So, Dean put a pin on it.

While her brothers and Gabriel went after Loki, (Y/n) decided to close her eyes. There was a strange amount of fatigue hovering over her body, so sleep seemed like the best option.


"Well, well, well. Never thought I'd see an archangel with a human soulmate... let alone a Winchester."

(Y/n) and Gabriel were separated, each tied to a pole six feet apart.

There was a gag in the hunter's mouth. The bag from before over the archangel's head and a gag also in his mouth. The bag prevented him from using his grace.

'Asmodeus,' Gabriel told the hunter. Through their minds, his tone was livid. 'A prince of Hell.'

The hunter's eyes widened, making the prince laugh aloud. "I see you're talking to each other. He's introduced me, hasn't he?" He knelt down and placed his hand under her chin, inspecting her features. "You're quite beautiful, you know. Not what I expected at all."

(Y/n) flinched away from him, narrowing her eyes. 'Gabriel, can we do anything?' She was already desperate to get out of the situation. The way Asmodeus was eyeing her... if Gabriel didn't have the bag over his head, the prince would be ashes by now. 'I don't--'

Their conversation was cut short when a surge of pain went through their bodies. Gabriel let out a groan while (Y/n) hissed. 'Gabriel?' No response. 'Gabriel!'

Asmodeus grinned, turning to the archangel. "You won't be hearing him for a while. You've reached your limit of no contact."

(Y/n) suddenly felt dizzy. Her eyes started to close, and she could hear Gabriel trying to shout, but it came out muffled. Right, if they were separated for a certain amount of time, she'd fall into a coma.

"Now, we can't have you falling asleep yet." Asmodeus touched her cheek, rubbing his thumb across it.

(Y/n) gasped awake and whimpered. The prince dug his finger into her cheek, making her flinch. "Careful. Flinch away from me again, and you'll be punished severely."

Standing up, Asmodeus snapped his fingers. Two demons came into the room and picked Gabriel up by his shoulders, resulting in him struggling. "Put him in a cell, far away from my quarters."

"Gabriel!" (Y/n) shouted through the gag, already beginning to cry. Her chest felt so tight, and her head was starting to pound. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It HURTS--

Asmodeus picked her up, tightening his grip on her shoulder. "You broke the rules already." (Y/n) cried in pain when he struck her cheek. "You will not speak unless I tell you to or, I'll pay Gabriel a visit and make you suffer. Am I clear?"

She whimpered and nodded. "Y-Yes."

The prince stopped in front of his quarters, turning around to lower his head to where they were eye-to-eye. "That's 'yes sir' to you."


(Y/n) gasped awake, feeling two immense emotions. Her chest fell and rose at an unsteady pace. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. She curled up into a ball and let out a shaky breath, closing her eyes. Her hand met the leather seat, and she started to tap using her fingers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1, 2--

'(Y/n)!' Gabriel's voice shouted through her head. There was pain all through her body, immediately telling her that her soulmate was in trouble.

The ex-hunter quickly opened the door to Baby and ran into the motel. She ignored the body of Sleipnir and two others on the ground. When she arrived at the scene, however, Gabriel had Loki pinned to a wall. A wooden sword was inches from the god's chest.

Sam and Dean grabbed her shoulders, keeping her from moving into the scene. (Y/n) growled at the two but stayed put.

Loki let out a breathy chuckle, looking at the three siblings, then back to Gabriel. "Of course. Of course, you would need someone to swoop in and save your pitiful ass." He looked back at (Y/n). "And it's your broken soulmate too. What is she going to do besides break down and realize that even through your full bond, you're nothing."

"Shut up!" Gabriel hissed.

"Face it, old friend, you're a joke," Loki continued, managing a small, mocking smile. "You're a failure. You live for pleasure." His eyes widened as he shook his head, continuing his mocking. "You stand for nothing. And in the end, that's exactly what you'll die for, dragging sweet (Y/n) with you."

Gabriel tilted his head, pushing down everything the god said. "You first." He finally spoke, then drove the wooden blade into Loki's chest.

The god screamed, then dropped to the ground when the sword was removed.

(Y/n) pushed through her brothers and jumped onto her soulmate, letting out shaky breaths. So much physical and emotional pain.

Through the hug, Gabriel looked to Sam, who nodded towards him.

The archangel nodded back, then dropped the sword and wrapped his arms around (Y/n), resting his chin on her head.

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