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After Gabriel spoke to Sam, Castiel was called back into the room, Gabriel's vial of grace in his hands. He was a tad bit surprised to hear what got the archangel to speak, but neither of the men actually knew it was (Y/n) who asked her soulmate to say something.

Castiel opened the vial and gave it to Gabriel. Sam watched with his arms crossed as the string of grace slid through the archangel's mouth. 'If the grace helped, perhaps (Y/n) will talk next', Sam thought to himself. But another part of him knew it was all easier done than said...

"Is it helping?" Castiel asked after being given the vial back. He watched with curious eyes as Gabriel moved his head to face (Y/n), who lightly shrugged. 'I can't feel anything.'

The archangel set his hands in his lap, keeping one intertwined with (Y/n)'s. This was mildly frustrating to him. "I-I don't know. (Y/n) can't... she doesn't feel anything, and neither do I."

Sam uncrossed his arms when his phone began buzzing. His brows furrowed in confusion as to who may be calling. Just in case, he put it on speaker for everyone to hear. "Hello?"

"Samuel." The southern voice filling the room forced (Y/n) to back up against the headboard, her breaths quickly coming out faster than usual. Gabriel, equally freaked, moved back with her and wrapped his arms around her torso. "I hope you're having a pleasant day. It's come to my attention that you boys have some things that belong to me, and I'd like them back."

Glancing at his sister, who was rocking in Gabriel's arms- Sam chose to lie. "I don't know what you're talking about." He knew that the prince wouldn't buy it, but it was worth a shot anyway.

"Oh, I believe you do." Asmodeus countered calmly. "And I'm gonna give you one chance to return them to me. No harm, no foul."

Sam raised the phone to his lips, "I'm hanging up." Bringing it back down, he nearly pressed the END CALL button--

"Do NOT hang up on me." The Winchester's thumb hovered over the red button but did not press it. "Gabriel and (Y/n) are of no use to you in their current condition. Should you choose to resist me, I shall have no choice but to take them by force."

(Y/n) was sobbing. "I will reduce YOU and that sad little bunker of yours to ASHES. You got ten minutes to decide... and now you're gonna hang up."

The call ended before Sam could finish his attempt to press the button. He looked at his sister, whose face was buried in Gabriel's chest as she tried to calm down. Her reaction was much worse than the archangels. He couldn't see her react like that again.

Castiel placed a reassuring hand on Gabriel's shoulder. He and Sam weren't going to let that happen to either of them... not on their watch...

Not again.

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