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(Would like to mention, again, that there's a lot of scenes that will not be like the episodes' scenes)

The claw marks that dragged across (Y/n)'s body immediately sent her into a state of panic and pain. She had been asleep when her hand was cut-- and it quickly freaked her out. All of her thoughts crossed over to Gabriel being tortured by Asmodeus. She had to feel his pain as a punishment.

'Gabriel, what's going on?' The lack of response freaked her out more. Gabriel always answered, no matter what... what was--

A pain in her side caused a scream to escape from her lips. She shot out of bed and moved a hand to her side, which was now bleeding heavily. Flashbacks from her time in Hell crossed each thought running in her mind. Her soulmate wasn't around to comfort her. Her soulmate wasn't there to ensure everything would be okay.

You're weak. You're weak. You're weak. YOU'RE WEAK--

'Hold on, sugar. I'll be right there.' Gabriel's voice slowly calmed her heart down but didn't stop the attack from taking place. 'Get a cloth and apply pressure if you can move. Just stay awake, I'll be right there.'

(Y/n) couldn't move, she couldn't get out of bed. The only thing she could do was put pressure on the mark using the fabric on her body. Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. WEAK.

The motel room's door slowly swung open. (Y/n) widened her eyes at the two figures standing in the doorway.

"(Y/n)!" Sam dropped his lock-picking kit and zoomed over to her. But, when he reached out to see what was wrong with her side, his sister flinched back and crawled away from him. There was still a lack of trust in touch.

Dean was by her side next. Not knowing that she didn't react well to touch, he grabbed her arms and moved them away to see the wound, only to be kicked in the face. "Ow! (Y/n), what the hell?!"

The younger male grabbed Dean's shoulder and shook his head. "She doesn't like to be touched, Dean. Go grab a cloth and some alcohol, something to stop the bleeding that isn't her shirt." While

Dean grumbled and stormed over to the other side of the room to get the supplies. Sam took a seat on the floor. "(Y/n) where's Gabriel? Why isn't he with you?"

(Y/n) didn't answer, as Sam should've expected. The only movement she made was when Dean put the supplies down on the bed, which was quickly grabbing them and put a cloth to her side.

The eldest sighed loudly. The patience with finding them had worn thin, and now that they've found (Y/n), meaning Gabriel was in the motel as well, his sister wouldn't utter a word. Though Sam had explained she wouldn't speak at the bunker, Dean ignored it- too caught up on information and getting the gang back together.

Knocking erupted around the motel room. Dean and Sam immediately pulled out their guns, ignoring their sister's wide eyes and sliding off the bed. When Sam opened the door, the brothers stepped back, and (Y/n) rushed forward.

Gabriel was leaning heavily against the door. His hair was no longer slicked back like usual and was instead dangling all over the place.

He had a bloodied hand clutching his right side, which had caked his white button-up in crimson. "Hey, fellas." He looked back and forth between the brothers before resting his gaze on his soulmate. "(Y/n)."

Despite being hurt, (Y/n) rushed over to him and engulfed him in a hug. The pain they felt was ignored for a moment, for separating while his soulmate was asleep hadn't been the brightest idea.

"Okay, you two, move apart," Dean grabbed his sister's shirt collar, ignoring her whimpers of protest. "Both of you take a seat on the bed. We're patching you up." He turned to Gabriel, who was groaning both at the pain at the loss of contact. Once again, separating had been a bad idea.

And now he had either explaining to do. Or put out a shit load of lies to put out to hide the truth.

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