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"W-Woah, okay-- too much information, slow down."

After Asmodeus burned, Sam and Castiel decided to spill everything that's happened through the years to (Y/n) and Gabriel. The archangel spoke for both of them. (Y/n) still not using her voice to express how she felt and things that needed to be said.

"I-I'm not... we're not processing." Gabriel and (Y/n) sat on the steps. A few feet away from where TFW sat. Their positions were like they had been since arriving in the bunker: (Y/n) laying against her soulmate's chest, and the archangel's arms snaked around her torso.

Castiel looked to Sam, who was just staring at his sister. "There's more. Michael wants to come to this Earth and destroy it... we may need both of your help to fight him."

Gabriel lifted his head, whiskey eyes flickering between Sam and Castiel. "What?"

"Yeah," Sam breathed out, smiling. With this, (Y/n) would be back... part of their family would be together once more. "Welcome to the team."

'They want us back here? A-After all we did to leave in the first place?' (Y/n) shifted in Gabriel's arms, looking up at her twin in confusion. Sure, she was happy to see her family... but after being out for a year... jumping back into the life didn't seem like the best option or the best option.

"Uh... yeah... not so much," Gabriel's eyes flickered from Sam to Castiel. 'C'mon, let's get you up.' He lifted (Y/n) up, making sure she was still in contact with some part of his body. "We're thankful for the rescue, and... the redemption ark." Sam and Castiel furrowed their brows in confusion as they watched the stand-up. "But... I'm not really a team guy, and (Y/n) doesn't exactly want to be pulled back in. So... we're gonna bounce, 'kay?" He paused again, still trying to word both his and (Y/n)'s thoughts out.

"Hey, it's been, uh... you know... what's the opposite of fun?" He paused, waiting for a response from (Y/n), who may know the word- but nothing came out. "That." They continued to walk toward the bunker's entrance.

Sam looked at them in shock. Family comes first... why wouldn't she stay. "W-Wait, Gabriel, (Y/n)... don't--" he stood up and turned around, facing the soulmates. "You two can't just walk away. If Michael comes here. He will end this world."

Gabriel pivoted on his heel, semi-glaring at Sam. "And the last the world was ending, I put my money on you..." Leaning forward, he raised his eyebrows. "I think you can pull it off again." Then he nodded, followed by him and (Y/n) continuing their journey to the entrance.

"We had (Y/n)'s help at that time!" Sam protested, slowly growing desperate. At the moment, (Y/n) was turning her back on their family again- something she hadn't done since college.

'No... I was gone.' (Y/n) flinched at the memory and grew uncomfortable. She felt as if Sam was guilt-tripping her.

Castiel stepped forward. "No." Gabriel stopped walking again, trying to keep himself calm. "You cannot turn your back on your Fathers' creation."

Oh. That hit a nerve. (Y/n) flinched again at the growing anger coming from her soulmate-- who was still managing to stay calm.

"Castiel," Gabriel turned around again. "My Father turned his back on his creation... Guess it just runs in the family."

Sam shook his head, eyes watering as (Y/n) avoided his gaze. "No... Gabriel- (Y/n)... please."

'Can we leave?' (Y/n) tugged at her soulmate's sleeve, looking away again. Gabriel's wings rose to the sky, and they were gone once more.


A few minutes passed before the rift opened, and Dean stumbled through.

"Dean!" Sam rushed over to his brother. "Dean- hey, hey--" His hand brushed over a wound, making the younger male frown. "You're hurt."

Dean pushed Sam's hand away, shaking his head and turning to watch the rift close. "No, I'm fine, I'm fine."

The younger male looked at the rift in shock. "Hey-hey... the ri- the rift..." His eyes widened as he looked at his brother. "Where's mom? Where's Jack?"

Looking down at the floor, Dean sighed. "Long story. So... mom and the kid, they're not with Michael anymore. Ketch and Charlie stayed back to try and find them." He took in a deep breath. "There's a Charlie over there, and she kicks ass."

Sam's brows furrowed in confusion, his mind running over who the hell Charlie was. "C-Charlie Bradbury?" Dean nodded.

The confusion switched over to Dean as he looked around the bunker, eyeing the bodies. "What's this? Wh-What'd I miss?"

Castiel closed his eyes, then watched Dean look around. "It was a demon incursion lead by Asmodeus."

At the mention of the prince, Dean snapped his head around. "I'm sorry-- Asmodeus got in here?"

"Yeah," Sam gestured to the war room. "A-And Gabriel killed him." A smile was brought to his lips, but it quickly faltered when he remembered what happened right before Dean arrived.

"Gabriel?" Dean repeated. Last he remembered, the archangel was broken and wouldn't speak-- and (Y/n) was there. "A-And (Y/n)..." He smiled. "That's great! So, they're back. Where are they? Where's (Y/n)?"

The other two males turned their attention to the floor, ready for major disappointment. "They just left," Castiel replied gravely.

Raising his eyebrows, Dean closed his eyes for a moment. "What do you mean, 'they left'?" Oh, there was anger in his tone, but it was currently being held back.

"We asked Gabriel- we asked Gabriel and (Y/n) to help us... a-and they both said no." Castiel answered.

Dean looked taken aback. "Gabriel doesn't get to say 'no'-- (Y/n) doesn't get to say 'no'! She's family, and family sticks together!" Pursing his lips, the eldest sighed. "We still have his grace though, right?" Once again, both males looked down at the floor. "Sam?" Desperation leaked from Dean's tone, desperation, and hope.

"We-We used his grace to heal him... hoping it would heal (Y/n) too," Sam replied slowly, gulping at his brother's face. "S-So... it's all gone."

Looking up at the ceiling, Dean smiled sarcastically. "So if it's gone... that means we can't open that door again." Sam and Castiel looked away. "IF WE CAN'T OPEN THAT DOOR- THEN I SHOULD'VE NEVER COME BACK!" Lowering his gaze for a moment, the smile leaving his face, Dean threw his hands up. "SON OF A BITCH!" His shout made Sam flinch... his older brother very rarely got like this.

"Every time... we get close... it always falls apart," Dean said calmly, though his tone showed frustration. "Every freakin' time... and we lost (Y/n)... we lost her again."

Finally have found his voice again, Castiel sighed internally. "Dean, we will find Gabriel and (Y/n)," he assured the man. "We will."

Dean nodded a few times, lifting his eyes from the floor to the bunker's entrance. "We better."

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