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Gabriel and (Y/n) were cuffed together, the archangel having part of his right cuff around an iron bar, and the ex-hunter's left cuff was connected to her soulmate's wrist. They couldn't help one another out and escape this way.

There was a lot to talk about when Sam and Dean returned.

'It's best if we talk to them anyway, Gabe. We could use their help with this.' (Y/n) tried. After having the guts to fight back against the demigods, she wanted to end this.

At the moment, she thought it best for her brothers to help them.

Gabriel looked at her, shaking his head. "This is for me to do- for us to do. This isn't Dumb and Dumber's fight (Y/n)."

Before (Y/n) could shoot him a snarky reply, the motel room door opened. Dean and Sam walked into the room, the elder sibling taking his jacket off to get comfortable.

"You know, you guys are lucky I'm low on juice," Gabriel narrowed his eyes at the two, "considering what I did to the last guy who locked us up." (Y/n) shifted uncomfortably, the dead prince of Hell still a touchy subject to her.

Sam narrowed his eyes right back, anger and impatience reaching its peak. "You know what? We said we'd let you two go; just as soon as one of you tells us what the hell is going on here." Part of him hoped

(Y/n) would speak, as he was a little tired of the archangel speaking for them both. For all he knew, Gabriel could be expressing just his words, not (Y/n)'s.

Clicking his tongue, Gabriel shook his head. "Yeah, uh... it's not a fun story." Once again, (Y/n) shifted in her seat, knowing that the story would be put out either way. "For either of us."

"Well, we just broke into a junkyard and stuffed the body of a demigod into a car crusher. So," he and Sam took a seat. Dean chose to sit backward in a chair, and Sam took a seat on the table. "I think you two owe us some answers."

Gabriel clenched his jaw but prepared to tell the story. "Okay- they're not really demigods." Dean hummed. "Look, the whole Norse pantheon is its own weird thing." He paused, thinking of something that would help the hunters understand. "Think of 'em more as... god-begotten monsters."

"Whatever. What did they want with you two?"

His jaw clenched again, with a side of an eye roll and silent sigh. "I killed their brother."

Sam raised his eyebrows, shocked at the statement. "Why?"

"Remember when I told you what happened after me and (Y/n) faked our deaths at the Elysian Motel?"

Sam went over what was written on the walls again. "Yeah, you two went to Monte Carlo, finished up your bond, and lived with a bunch of porn stars in the beginning." Dean nodded with a thin smile at the mention of porn stars. He did not yet know, however, about the two's finished bond.

"Well," Gabriel looked to (Y/n), who nodded. "I left a few parts out."

The archangel went into a lengthy story of what happened after the Elysian Motel. He started with (Y/n) asking to attend her 'funeral,' wanting to see Sam and Dean one last time. The exposition made both brothers frown and send her a hurt look mixed with a glare.

Next was the start of their time in Monte Carlo. Gabriel and (Y/n) received help from Narfi, Fenrir, and Sleipnir. (Y/n) was quickly introduced before the brothers could mention giving him porn stars, they were a bit shocked to see a hunter as his soulmate, but she promised not to do a thing. So, the only time Gabriel attended something that surrounded the pornstars was a poker game, to which he usually won. (Y/n) watched on the sidelines, shaking her head at the reactions that followed.

"As I've mentioned before, (Y/n) and I completed our bond." (Y/n) found a way to intertwine their fingers at that, afraid of Dean's reaction to it. "That's why we were very... close after Ketch brought us to the bunker."

Dean's lips curved to a frown. "I didn't know there was a last stage to the bond. (Y/n) only mentioned what stage you had." His sister shifted in her seat and looked extremely uncomfortable, making him roll his eyes. "Great. Another lie."

'I did tell him. I just didn't explain it fully.' Then again, it could be the fact it's almost been eight years since they've seen one another.

"Dean." Sam smacked his brother's arm, shaking his head. "Not the time."

Gabriel sighed. "Yes, there's a final stage. And she did tell you, just not how. But Sam knows, so I suppose you should. Is that okay, sugar?" 'As long as he doesn't lunge at us.' "I'll talk, but you're not allowed to get angry, no matter what. We don't need your shit on this on top of everything that's going on."

Both brothers raised their eyebrows. The archangel's tone went from calm to hostile in a matter of seconds. Sam wondered if that had been (Y/n)'s anger that mixed with Gabriel's tone.

"The final stage makes us inseparable. If we are to be away from one another for a certain amount of time, (Y/n) could fall into a coma and get really sick, usually resulting in me doing my damndest to get us back together." Gabriel squeezed his soulmate's hand. "Unfortunately, shortly after we bonded like this, we were sacked and sold to Asmodeus. He kept us separate for... reasons that I'd rather not repeat."

Dean leaned forward, full-on glaring at the archangel. "You mean to tell me that she was in a coma while you two were in Hell?" Ah, there was the big-brother tone again. In seven years of not being around her brothers, this sure was one thing (Y/n) had not missed.

"Asmodeus made sure she... wasn't in one." His tone also said: "Keep getting pissy about this, and I'll give you my own form of hell."

Sam smacked Dean's arm again. "Stop it, Dean. There's no need for this." He turned back to Gabriel, eyeing his twin for a second, who looked ready to cry. "Why would they sell you two to Asmodeus?"

"Hell-ooo? Lucifer?" Gabriel drawled, narrowing his eyes at Sam. "In case you don't remember, there was an apocalypse brewing at the time."

"We remember."

"Well," the archangel sighed. "Vegas odds had by bro pulling off a big win."

Dean smiled sarcastically, nodding. "Yeah, and whose fault is that?"

"Mm... Fenrir, Sleipnir, and Narfi were just trying to cover their keisters." Gabriel ignored that comment, though Dean was seriously pushing his limit. "They needed to get rid of us before Lucifer figured out where they had us hidden." His voice slowly rose, anger dripping from it. "But selling me and (Y/n) to that Kentucky Fried B-Hole? For them? That was profit."

The eldest nodded again, having figured everything out. "So, you want revenge..." He looked at (Y/n), who didn't say or do anything.

"Well, obviously." Gabriel snapped. "Roasting Asmodeus was uh... satisfying for a hot minute. But you know one thing better than killing him? Slaughtering them all."

Sam looked over at the case on the bed, walking over to open it. "But since you're low on grace, you had to do it the old fashioned way-- with wood." He paused, looking at the four sticks of wood. "How come there are four swords if there are only three gods or monsters?"

He gestured to the white sword, which was above all the others. Gabriel and (Y/n) turned. "That top one? That's for the man with the plan, the architect of my torture, and my own personal public enemy numero uno... Their papa... Loki."

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