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I opened my eyes as I came to my senses and was met with complete darkness. My head was pounding as if hit by a truck. I tried to adjust my vision to the surroundings but it was pitch black, there was no sign of light anywhere.

I tried moving my aching hands, but they were tied to something, and so were my legs.

I jerked my limbs to loosen the ropes but they were tied with precision, I couldn't even move them an inch. My throat was parched and so were my lips. I swallowed my saliva to moisten it and traced my tongue on my lips. I couldn't remember anything from before, my mind was completely blank. I couldn't recall how I had ended in this cold, dark room tied to a chair.

Where was I, and where were Waleed and the kids? Are they here with me, tied in the same way? I tried to concentrate on hearing something but there was no sign of movement or sound of breathing around me.

"Waleed?" I called out, "Ahad, Abeer?"

  I thought of Abdullah, he was too young. He needed me and I can't imagine what the people who held me captive, would be treating him. 

I got no reply, there was still pin drop silence. I tried hard to see something but it was too dark. I gave up after some time and it was then I heard the heavy footsteps. A single set of footsteps, whoever it was had, a firm way of walking. The footsteps were getting closer. I shut my eyes to figure out, which direction they were coming from. Then I felt it, someone's breath fanning my cheek. I felt my skin shiver where it hit me.

The scent of the person's cologne filled my nostrils. I knew this scent, I tried recalling. I was certain that I have smelled it before, but where? And on Whom?

"You are awake," he whispered in my ear in his husky voice. 

Only three words spoken in his deep voice with the touch of an Italian accent were enough to make me recognize him. His lips brushed the rim of my ear. I felt disgusted and moved away from where he was leaning over me.

The next moment, I felt him sniff my hair," You smell delicious, just like fresh apricots," his breath fanned the side of my neck this time, making me feel sick to the core.

I turned my face to the other side, I just wanted to get out of this place., but it was not possible in my current state. I sensed the heat radiating from his body at my back. My body was screaming to get, as far away from this man as possible.

"Didn't you recognize me?" He asked, in his deep voice which always feels like a caress against my skin. 

I could feel his breath on my other cheek now. His lips were closed to my ear, nearly touching them. Then I felt his caress, a feather-light touch of his knuckles on my cheek. I jerked backward from his touch, it was making me cringe. I wanted to slap that man, for touching me.

"Don't touch me," I screamed in fury.

It didn't look like it had any effect on him, because the next moment a finger was dragged down my face, from my forehead to nose to the top of my lip. I opened my mouth and bit his finger hard. He pulled back his finger with a tsk sound.

"Feisty, I like it," he murmured in admiration.

"Untie me, you bastard," I growled.

"Shhhh, Dolcezza, you didn't answer my question," his tone held disapproval.

I knew who he was, how couldn't I? The moment this man had stepped into my life everything had gone spiraling downward. I had been trying hard to protect my family from this man's evil intentions, but it felt like I had failed. I was here held captive by him and I didn't have any idea where Waleed and my kids were?

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