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Remo Marsi

Taking a bowl of zucchini to Tiana, she sat beside her bed on the floor in a towel with a laptop in front of her.

She just got out of the shower and logged into her online ASL class by the looks of it it's not going well.

Glancing at the screen while sitting the bowl next to her, she pushes me aside saying my head is huge.

"Thanks" she mutters grabbing a handful full bringing it to her mouth.

'Is something wrong?'

"I think I'm about to drop out of this class. She took the close captions off and she's signing too fast. It's like she forgot this was a class for beginners"

'Email her and let her know she's moving too fast'

"I already did and got no response"

'Can I help?'

"Yeah what does this mean" signing she chews a slice of zucchini slowly.

'You just signed I love you'

"Swear? I'll um keep that in mind" nodding she tightens her towel. "can you go to the store and get cheese sticks?"

'Since when do you like cheese sticks?'

"Since today, get the yellow ones only"


Tiana Hendrix

Massaging my side walking around the kitchen in pajama shorts and a sports bra I tried to tie a bag full of ice one-handed.

"Come on you stupid fart" groaning I used my teeth to tighten the knot I just made. "about time"

Holding it to my bruised I made my way back to bed, Remo has been gone for two hours now.

What is he doing? Helping the people make it?

It doesn't take that long to get cheese sticks from the neighborhood Walmart down the road.

"Felix? Show your face girly, I haven't seen you in days" I mutter tapping against the headboard. She made a hole in my boxspring and sleeps inside it for most of the day, she'll come out around night time to eat whenever she feels like no one is around.

I could hear her meow from time to time so I wasn't worried.

"Where the heck is Remo?"

Sending him a text I waited a while before FaceTiming him, surprisingly he declined it.

"How rude!"

Typing a very lengthy message to him I heard the front door unlock and open, slowly I deleted the paragraph when I saw him come into my room.

"Congratulations Mr.Marsi, you've offended me and my heart by declining my call. We as in my heart and I are truly saddened by your actions, you can make it us to us by finishing my Ap chemistry homework" huffing I took the bag from him turning away

The bed dipped and my covers were pulled back, Remo took the bag of ice pressing my side gently.

"Ow stop that, you've already hurt my heart why are you trying to hurt my body too?"

His hand moved up and down my side in a soothing notion, placing a kiss on my cheek he taps my thigh twice.


'What happened? Why are you bruised?'

"Elton" I shrug not wanting to think about too much. "he likes pairing up with me during practice knowing I'm nowhere near his weight class and rough me up"

Ronnie's gone so nothing is stopping Elton from bothering me, he's turn something that brought happiness into my life to ashes in a matter of days.

'What's his full name?' Remo questions taking out his phone.

"The last time I told you about a guy messing with me he was killed and beheaded in a GameStop parking lot, I'm not telling you this time"

'That had nothing to do with me' side-eyeing me he puts his phone down. 'where're the necklaces I got you? Why aren't you wearing any?'

"I took them off because I had practice today, I'll put them back on later"

'Put clothes on as well please, Geovani is on his way here'

"I think you should dress me, nothing too girly either. Maybe a tube top and jeans or shorts"

'I never thought about keeping you a prisoner locked up in this room until now. Wearing tube tops and any other tops that expose too much skin will not be worn here' Remo stresses

"You make it seem like someone wants me, news flash buddy nobody has their eyes on little ole me. I promise I'm practically the background character" waving him off I adjusted my pillow. "so yeah dress me please sourpuss, our brother is coming over"

'I don't like you anymore' he signs giving me a fake smile taking out a pair of blue jeans and a sweater.

"That's ok, we all have a change of heart somewhere down the line" shrugging I didn't put too much thought into it.

'T don't start, I was being sarcastic'

"Cool" taking the pants I slid into them then went to the front door hearing Geovani shout and bang on it

When I opened it he engulfs me into a hug picking me up, spinning around. Laughing I masked my pain when his arms brush against my bruises.

"What's with all the excitement?" I ask curiously

Remo separated us immediately thumping Geovani's forehead handing me a shirt.

'He didn't hurt you, did he?'

"I'm ok" waving him off I asked Geovani again watching him pace around the living room.

"Lauren knows her! She's alive" holding a fist to his mouth he laughs. "a part of me didn't think she was alive but she is, I heard Lauren talking to her today on my way out. She wants to meet Delilah"

"See Geovani, I told you just wait a little bit longer and things will start looking up. Have you asked Lauren to set things up for you? Or get—wait what's her name? You never told me"

"I haven't said anything to Lauren. Her name is Sienna, Sienna Ricci"

If my jaw could drop to the floor like in the cartoons it would've.

"Ricci as in Eli's Ricci? That's his sister? Jeez"

Remo pushes my chin upwards closing my mouth as I stood there in shock, I did not see this coming.

"She's his cousin"

"Oh wow that's um interesting, I see why you didn't ask Lauren about her"

He'll probably lose his job by having a thing for someone in his boss family.

"Why'd you say it like that? Now I'm nervous to bring it up, I want to see Sienna"

"Sorry I just don't know what to say, whenever you talk to Lauren ask about her experience and if she bonded with anyone. I'm assuming they met at the hospital by what you and Remo told me"

Nodding Geovani goes up to Remo pulling him aside, smacking Remo's butt I moved away when he sent a glare in my direction.

"He thick, that boy thick" I whisper going back into my room, closing the door softly. "his buns are probably bigger than mines"


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