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Remo Marsi

"Have you seen her? She's here!" Geovani whisper shouts tapping my shoulder. "she looks a bit different but none the less she's still beautiful"

He's been talking about Sienna nonstop since we arrived to work six hours ago.

'Did I harass you this much about Tiana?' I question genuinely curious

"Yes you talked about her for days and as the supportive brother I am I listened, please do the same"

'I have been listening from the moment we got here until now, go say hello or change subjects you're making me miss T'

"Baby Mr. Marsi !" Lauren shouts stepping out onto the patio. "Remo bring yo ass!"

"Oh someone's in trouble?" Geovani smirks

'Shut up'

Leaving my post I stood in front of Lauren, smiling she hugged me bumping my stomach with her baby bump.

"Squirt says hi" looping her arm with mines she dragged me into the mansion. "I need you to go to this address and get something for me"

'What will I be retrieving?'

"Oh you'll know it when you get there, don't come back empty-handed" patting my back Lauren's ushers me out the front door with a piece of paper. "see you later bugaboo"



Arriving at the address Lauren gave me I realized it was a dress store, locking the car doors I went inside seeing Tiana looking through a rack of light blue dresses.

I should've know

"Hi Sugarface, come here" Tiana waves me over with a smile.

'I'm going back to work'

"You can't, Lauren said you can't go back without me and I'm not coming without a dress" with a huff she crosses her arms frowning. "Remo this is important to me, please"


Staring she turned her nose up at me

"What's wrong with you? Bad day or something?"

'I'm fine'

"Really because I don't think you are" going back to the dress rack she continues. "you've been in a mood all week, I thought it was because of me but now I think it's something about yourself that's making you act this way"

Waving her off I sat behind her looking around.

All of these dresses look high priced and very hard to miss, every dress in this place is either bright colored, shiny or big towards the bottom.

"The theme for my prom is Cinderella's ball, I was thinking a blue dress but I feel like that's going to be a lot of girls first choice so I think I want this one in white" pulling out a big bushy blue dress she showed me then took it across the store to one of the employees here.

Running back she picked through a different rack pulling out another blue dress, this has long sleeves on it and looks fitted.

"Come on"

I should've ate something this morning, I'm hungry

Grabbing my hand she pulled me up dragging me to the back of the store, a woman and a group of teenage girls were there going in and out of the fitting rooms.

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