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Hello, my name is Corey and I wanted to tell you about my experiences in love.Now writing this i realised how much i've changed after love.I realised i was stupid being the 17 year old i was in highschool. But you need to understand my character before we get into my story.

Time change

So i was 17 years old in my last year of highschool, and i was a badboy, i used to wear my black dyed hair messy.Considering it was wavy it pretty much always swept up.I almost always had the newest edition clothing. I always used to wear clothes that would be minimal effort. With an assortment of different rings.Just to put it out there,i always showered. I would always drench myself in a manly smelling cologne.Overall, I never cared what i looked like,because everyone loved me regardless.

I remember one time in my 1st year of highschool one of the popular last years came up to me and kissed me.I still remember how awkward it was,her boyfriend was so startled. He even came up to me,he punched me in the area it hurts most. We had a little fight,being a freshmen was hard enough but a senior kicking my ass didn't help my asshole self. 

Now that you know a little bit more about me,how about i tell you about Noah.He is my bestfriend,he has been since the first grade.He's honestly the sweetest out of all of us but he tries to act all rude.If a girl were to break his heart he would run to her and say sorry.He's the smartest as well,that's how i got all A's. The dude's a natural genius.I don't understand how he has time,we both played for the basketball team hence how i was so ripped.We both did everything together all day long yet he had homework done quicker than the flash can run.He also had a girlfriend,needless to say she broke his heart and ever since he never really cared to get a girlfriend.

It was my last year as said before, and i was getting ready to go school.The first days are always the days i wear the best looking outfits i can find.That day, I specifically got a nice white button down,leaving the top three buttons open to show my chest.With the nicest black plaid trousers i could find.I even put some black suit shoes on. To top it off putting on my cologne and a gucci belt with the the largest buckle saying gucci on it .I got my gucci bag to wear just as an add on,then I got my ass down stairs.

I grabbed a smoothie from the fridge and brought out a protein bar to eat with it. Noah,cat called me by whistiling from the door."Hey! Is my man going on a date or going to school?" he asked. "You dick,of course i'm going to school." i tell him,"Yeah, totally forgot.Dude pass me a bar too you ass." he said chuckling "Anyway how's it going with your crush then?" he asks,taking the bar and ripping the packaging off."Yeah about that i don't think Chloe's my type anymore,i hate her extra precious eyes."I replied lying. "I know what your saying but she is so hot."He exclaimed. "Boys, your gonna be late get your asses to the car and leave."My mum shouted from upstairs. We both laugh at eachother,I got my keys and we jumped into my jeep with the roof down,blasting music,we were off to school!

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