Game Day

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Now i know i said earlier that it was practise however, this was a game practise so it was a game basically.Now she was there watching me.I knew what it was i had to do, I found her in the crowd.I saw she was watching me,I got my jersey and pulled it up to 'wipe my face' making eye contact i winked right at her.I looked for another good 10 seconds into her eyes before Noah hit me with a ball to let me know what i was doing was so wrong.We were supposed to be practise hooping before the practise game but I just couldn't take my eyes off her blue eyes piercing my heart.

It was game time and i had the ball i passed it to Noah and i ran for the hoop.He threw the ball i caught it and slam dunked right in the other players face.I dribbled the ball all the way to the other side and hooped a mid court shot.I was feeling extra good about my self these past couple days since i've been seeing her around.I shot more than 20 goals that night just because of her.Just because of Jasmine.I saw Jasmine start to smile everytime i winked.The Corey Charm was doing it's magic.After the game, I went on my phone straight away and texted her.I wrote

Corey:  'Hey beautiful,it's me your secret admierer.I see you watched me this game night.Would you like a ride home i'm in my mclaren today. ;)' 

Jasmine: 'It depends handsome.'

Corey :Okay anything beautiful ;)

Jasmine: Okay you see Michelle?

Corey: Yes i see her.

Jasmine: Go up to her and splash her with the water your drinking.

Corey: A dare for Mr Corey Evans i see.Of course anything for you my beautiful.

Jasmine:Okay handsome, your time to shine.

I got out of my cherry red mclaren and went up to Michelle.I got my water and i drenched her in it.She didn't even mind,she just chuckled in my face.I turn to Jamie's chuckling face and i said  "Will you join me?".I grabbed her hand and opened the passenger door for her.I helped her sit into the seat and i ran around to mine.As i sat in i looked over to her and saw she was smiling, I looked at her.I made direct eye conatact and bit my lips."Come on stupid,drive the car."She said to me softly chuckling as she said it.The one time a proper girl sits in my car,I do not have a word to say.I take a left and right and we arrive.I park a street down so her parents don't see me. I get my phone and I tell her to smile.Instead of smiling i kiss her cheek and take the photo. "Hey handsome,i bet you won't make that your background."She said smirking at me. A girl giving me a bet that I won't do? I thought. "Bet beautiful." I said winking at her. I put it as my wallpaper and bit my lips at her.She smiled and left.

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