It wasn't true

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When i woke up i undid the blankets from me.I saw I was naked,remembering what happened last night I bit my lips and smiled.Her clothes still on my bed.Jamie was nowhere to be seen.I was confused, I got up and looked all over.I saw a note was on my phone,it said 'I left early for school,I had fun ;)P.S i took your jersey and shorts because i didn't want to head home.' Oh Miss Gregory the things you do to me.I thought. I smiled and head into the shower,i got ready for school and drove off.When i entered school,I went straight to the lockers where i knew Jamie would be.I saw her crying with a note in her hand.I straight away ran right over to her.When i tapped her she looked at me and threw me onto the floor.She got ontop of me and cried. "What is this Corey Evans?What am i hearing?I knew it,I just knew it." I grabbed the note and read it, 'Me and your boyfriend had fun last week,he tastes so good.' I looked at her and said. "Seriously baby?This is what your crying over?You think this is true?It's the fakest thing i've ever seen.It was Michelle baby.I would never ever do this to you alright?".I grabbed her and kissed her lips.She looked at me in disgust and wiped it off."No,I don't belive you unless you can prove it." I looked at her and tears were dripping down my face at the fact that she didn't belive me.She threw my jersey and shorts onto me.I just laid there,as she got up off of me.I stayed there until break,crying.Brody came to me and said "I caught pictures of her writing this to her.Take a look." I looked at him then at the pictures. "Dude Brody thanks for the gesture, but this is only going to prove who 'it was'.Thanks but i have an idea."

At the end of the day when all the students were piling up outside was the best time.I got up to the roof of the school and got the dean's megaphone out. I shouted into the megaphone "Hello students of Crestview may i have all of your attention please.Just to let you all know i am mad in love with Jamie or Jasmine Adrian Gregory.She's had a letter given to her by a jelous son of a bitch.That son of a bitch was Michelle,now i hope you know i fucking love my girlfriend so rather than making her uncomfortable you guys have a special job.To protect her from that bitch or any future bitch.If we all can quit fucking with her then i will appreciate it.If you fail to quit fucking with her than me and my boys will fuck you up.Thanks Crestview I apologise for the stupidity of having to say this but i love you Jamie.Okay bye!" Then with that i climbed down and went to go find her.She was crying again,she heard it from inside the lockers.I went to her,i gently pushed her onto the lockers.My arms resting above her "Your lucky i dont throw you onto this ground,rip your clothes off and dead fuck you infront of everyone because damn your hot."i whispered to her.I grabbed her and kissed her aggresively,she smirked and lept into my arms.I carried her to my jeep and put her in the back seat.I climbed in and kissed her dry lips. I grabbed her ass and pulled her in to me she grabbed my head and pulled me in to lock lips with her.She grabbed my lips with hers and licked them.I smiled and pulled my trousers down. "Can we go to yours instead?" she asked.I nodded pulling my trousers up i zoomed back home.I carried her into the guest house, I then proceeded to kiss her.I pulled her trousers down as she pulled my hoodie off.Not unlocking eachothers lips as we did.We stared into each others eyes as we did so."Fuck yeah baby we're doing this."I heard the maid unlocking the door as i whispered to her.So we ran out the door into the pool changing rooms.

As we she took her clothes off I did so too.I smiled and took my trousers off.I saw her eyes rolling back as i pulled her hair.She grabbed my head and pulled me in for a kiss."Damn baby."I whispered in her ear.I grabbed her ear with my teeth.We were going for 10 minutes and she then grabbed me.She pushed me onto the floor and started kissing on my belly.She looked and then didn't feel like carrying on but instead she got ontop of me and started kissing my neck all over.She dragged her bottom lip to my nipples.Leaving hickeys all over me.As we were about to carry on we heard my mom come in.We both started to put our clothes back on.Mom stripped and went into the pool.I couldn't condone my laugh but i just watched Jamie instaed.She didn't want to stop but she said "Baby let's go to your room then." I nodded and we tiptoed out to the back door and through to the front of the house.

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