I'm Sorry

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I got into my jeep revved the engine and raced home.I missed 2 red lights and was driving over the limits.Luckily it wasn't so far away from my home.I run in, throw my shoes off,get on the sofa and open my texts.I immediatly texted to her'Sorry beautiful can we meet up?I know for a fact your reading this.I'm on my way in one hour be ready, I don't care about a thing in this world.But you' I wrote this and ran straight back to my car.As i got in i felt tears drip off my face.The salty water was unbearable.I had never felt this much pain to this day.

When i arrived I saw her sat by her window crying.I had been crying even more than her, I climbed up to her window from the help of the bins.Luckily I got to the top quickly,I knocked on her window.She got up and opened it,I lifted my head up and into the window so she couldn't shut it.I cried to her "I'm so sorry baby,I know we don't know each other that well but I know you know that it wasn't suppsoed to be like that.I truly love you."I climbed in and hugged her.She hugged me back and said into my ear "It's okay baby." I didn't even realise that it was 10pm at night.I was too tired to go back home.I looked at Jamie and realised she was in a crop top.Damn,she's hot in crop top.I could just kiss her.Just once.I thought.I grabbed her hips,pulled her in and went in for a kiss.We were so busy kissing that we didn't realise we fell on top of each other.We had no care for anyone.Her parents weren't home that week so I stayed the night.I felt the warmth of her body on my shirtless abs.I could feel her warm thighs skin to skin with me.I could feel her next to me.She was so short i could hide her in me all my life.For the first time i felt i was doing something right.I cuddled her all night,it felt as if it was the right thing for me to do.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of "Handsome.Handsome"being whispered in my ears.When i woke up my eyes met hers and she bit her lip at me.She had no shirt on and was pulling me.I got up as she pulled me and she pulled me to the toilet.She was pulling my shorts down, i caught on and pulled her trousers down too.I grabbed her ass and leaned her in,she pulled the knob on the shower and a big wave of water hit the two of us.I let go of her butt and i let go of the kiss and pulled onto her bottom lip with my lips.My stomach was tightening by the feeling of it and my downstairs area was up.I could feel her grabbing my ass and kissing my belly.Damn, what did I deserve for this.She was to short to kiss my cheek so i picked her up.Jamie pushed me to the wall.She started kissing my cheek slow and steady.She got to my neck and she started kissing me aggresively.I looked down to see i had a hickey on my neck.10 minutes in we heard a knock on the door.It was a neighbour.We had to stop our shower early,I got up to see who it was and it was the neighbours infront.We didn't open the door,I  just grabbed her and kissed her on the floor so he didn't see us. I got my phone and took a picture of the two of us kissing.This moment was going to stay in my memory for the rest of my life.I got my hoodie for basketball and forced her to wear it and i wore my jersey.I opened the door for her and let her go into the car.She loved the jeep out of all my cars, so i made sure she got the time of her life that day.

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