The accidental chat

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I was lying down on my stomach flicking through hot girls instagrams and i happened to notice Emily.Damn she had a nice body,i remember her curves and everything.I clicked on who liked it and it was a familiar name.It was Jasmine Gregory,the hot chick from lunch and pizza hut.Oh damn here's my chance,I got her page open and i clicked follow.She then followed me back and i went and slid into her dm's.I wrote 'Hey beautiful ;).' Yes i am aware how cringey that is but no 16 year old knows how to talk to a girl properly do they.She left me on read!'She's playing hard to get isn't she.The oldest trick in the book' I thought to myself.

She hadn't replied so i went downstairs.I got my favourite fruits and blended a smoothie for me and got in my car.I drove to pick Noah up like a usual Wednesday evening.As we have practise and his car had been broken the past couple weeks. "Hey, how's it going my man?" I asked whilst fist bumping him as he got in. "Honestly dude absoloutely amazing and yourself?"he replied."Dude doing great,thanks for asking."I said replying. I revved the engine and started to drive off.

I took a left exit of a roudnabout and we were on the school road.Noah then said to me."Hey so you wouldn't belive it,my ex texted me haha.I swear to god she expects a reply no fucking way dude."Noah exclaimed.  "No fucking way that bitch says anything man i'm one text or call away...Anway so i like this gir-"i paused For fuck sake i just let it out!Omg shoot my right fucking now!No way omg! I thought."Omg wait who dude?Wait omg wait what!" Noah shouted. "Nah dude, i didn't say anything.Your ears are tripping they need to be checked." I parked infront of the school and unlocked the doors. "Okay,I need you to not tell ANY girl or dude in this mother fucking school,college,university or world okay or i'll beat the absoloute shit out of you!"I shouted on the top of my lungs. I took one big breath as he chuckled and I carried on saying"Fucking Jasmine Adrian Gregory.Alright she's tooken over me as if she controls me yes it may be because she's that one girl.That one girl that sits in the back not speaking or maybe her style we can match she likes shorts and hoodies not dresses like the others."I barked.Noah as the man he is sat me down and said "If you like her, you like her.Nobody in this universe gonna change that for a fact.Now get your juicy ass into practise because she's gonna be there." I smirked at him and we got out.I was shaking,for the first time ever for a girl.The girl.

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