Not The Parents

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I stripped and got into the shower, I turned my shower on. I screamed "Ahhh!It's too cold.You dick head Noah why would you put it so cold!" I shouted from inside the bathroom.I could hear him laughing non stop.I got out and got a bunch of mints and put them into my mouth.I put my new deodorant onto my armpits,then I pulled out a new white button up.With some gucci black pants,a belt some suit shoes and lastly a black blazer.Noah cat calls me whilst resting on the inside of the door."My man is going on a date today!" He said. "Well not really sure but i hope to be able to take her out today.Anyway do i look muscular in this or no?" I asked him. "You look great,just do your hair and put some vaseline on those crusty lips or she won't kiss you." He said laughing.I was looking to impress so Noah went out and got me a bunch of flowers for her and a box of chocolate for the parents.I got out the door and said to Noah "Thanks man,take care.I'll let you know what happens tomorrow."I then got in my mclaren and drove off to Jamie's house.

I knocked on the door,the chocolate and roses in my hands.I was stood there,the feeling of a knife piercing through me as they opened the door."Good afternoon."I said shaking her dad's hand firmly.I smiled and they allowed me to enter.I took my shoes off and handed him the chocolate.I then saw her coming down the stairs.I kept eye contact,she was absoloutley stunning,she was wearing a dress and had a neat bun.We weren't going to stay for long but i insisted to get to know her father a little.He told me "I own a car dealership,my wife here she's a doctor so we're always out testing new cars." I smiled and nodded. "Mom works as a doctor as well actually,I unfortunately don't have a father figure in my life,he passed when i was younger." I said coughing trying to hold my tears back. He stood up and so did I, he shook my hand and said "Well, i'm pleased to have met you.Let's see how good you can be with my daughter then?" I shook my head and held my arm out for her to grab onto.I opened the door and we went outside.I took a deep breath and kissed her forehead.I grabbed the door for her and opened the scissor doors that open upwards.She sat in and we were off to the 5 star restaurant.

I opened the door yet again for her and kissed her precious lips.I felt at ease knowing i was doing well.We got in and sat at the private tables were the water fountain was.I pulled her chair out and sat her down.We ordered and the food had arrived.I didn't even look at my plate I just stared into her blue eyes.They were piercing me once again,she looked up at me and smiled,she smiled so hard her dimples were showing.A piece of her hair came down and i grabbed it and put it behind her ear.She smirked at me and winked because she knew i would do it.When we finished i promised her she could shop in the mall so we went there,the whole ride there she was watching me and smiling at me.Not once did she pick her phone up and get disracted by it.I couldn't help but notice.I stopped to reverse park,and i noticed someone there,someone from our school.It was Michelle, I knew Jamie would be uncomfortable."Hey beautiful, I see that Michelle is over there i'm not sure if you'll be comfortable around her.If you want i can go get some clothes from the back for y-"I was cut of by her.She placed her finger on my lips."Baby, if i wasn't comfortable wearing it then why would i wear it now?"She said.I smiled, nodded and went out to open the door.She came out and we saw a guy walking away from Michelle and coming after us.Rolling his sleeves up.I took my blazer of and unbuttoned my sleeve button,to roll it up.I put my hands in a fist so i was ready.As he came up he tried to punch but i kicked him down under.He immeadiately fell to the floor and I saw Michelle had ran off.I know he wouldn't come back so I put my blazer on and we went into the mall.

Whilst she was shopping i quickly went into the jewellery shop.I got us rings that had a heat in each of them.In her ring it said C and in my ring it said J.When connected it makes a heart around the letters.They were expensive but it was a way to tell her i loved her.I payed and ran back into the store.She was shopping in Louis Vuitton,she insisted to leave so I agreed.I raced back to my house,and we ran to my room.I grabbed the bag and gave it to her.She was puzzled "Handsome,what did you get me?"She asked. "You have to open and find out,all you need to know is it is amazing."I replied.She smiled licked her lips and opened it.She smiled so hard picked my one up and immediately put it on me.I grabbed hers and put it on her.She then grabbed my shirt and pulled me by the collar.She unbuttoned the top buttons and then she slowly unbuttoned the rest.She ran her hands down me,stopping at my abs to rest her hands there.I caught on and undid my belt,ripped my shoes and socks off.Then she pulled my trousers down,I pulled her dress and bra off.I pushed her on the bed and started kissing her.I grabbed her and whispered into her ear."Yes baby,more baby."I could see her eyes rolling to the back of her head as i said these words.I kissed her lips and put more action into it.I grabbed her ear and bit it i moved to her forehead and kissed it all the way down to her neck.I gave her a piece of me on her neck,like she did to me.I moved down to her stomach,my favourite place.

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