Girlfriend first school after

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I opened the door for her as we got out for school,everyone watching us.Even my boys from the opposite side.I heard the girls being jealous but it didn't bother me.This was the perfect time to kiss her,infront of everyone.I grabbed her cheeks rubbed them and then kissed her.Closing my eyes for a deeper one.Everyone was watching,the teachers,students,seniors,public and most importantly the dean.He saw us kissing infront of everyone and charged over,he pulled my ear and shouted "There is no kissing girls in this school at all you understand Mr Evans!"I laughed and simply winked right at Jamie.He let go and i grabbed the side of her head kissed her and let go holding her bottom lip again with my lips.Proceeding to lick my lips,I then grabbed her water and took a sip.I smirked at my dean.He looked at me in disgust,he decided it was best to call my mom in."Mr Evans your very lucky your not off the team for this disgusting behaviour.I am more than happy to punish you the way your mother would like for me t-" My mom interupted. "Sir,he did not do anything to you,he was just expressing his love to someone,now i know you know this is a normal thing teens do.Now i would like you to stop bothering me by calling me in for no reason at all.He is not getting kicked off the team either thank you very much!"My mum said in a angry tone.We both got up and left.I went straight to my lesson and she went back home.Yes my mom is a bad ass.

I slipt into my english class and sat by Jamie,she looked at me and smiled.That precious smile.I smiled back.I presumed to take my phone out and go on it,I turned the camera on and took a cute picture of Jamie.I felt a piece of paper hit the back of my head, i turn around and grab it.I open it and read what it said. 'Hey lover boy,how come you didn't come pick me up today?'I replied to him saying 'I was at my girl's house sorry man i forgot ;)' I threw it back.I look back and say sorry verbally.He nods and smirks.I turn to see Jamie mouthing "meet me in the toilet." I nod and i ask to go to the toilet.The teacher agrees and i go.

Jamie comes in there to say she wants to sit with me at lunch.I was very confused why she had to tell me in the bathroom but i agreed.I smirked and showed her the hickey she made and she proceeded to say "That's what i made on that sexy neck?" She asked.I rubbed my chin and nodded."Hey handsome,can you meet my parents today?" she asked.My eyes opened wide and i started to choke on my spit.Meet her dad?Okay not what i was expecting her to say but why not?  "Sure baby, anything for that pretty smile."I said pushing her hair back for her.I grabbed her shoulders and gently pushed her by the wall. I raised my arm onto the wall high up from hers.I grabbed her hot face pulled her close and pressed my lips gently onto hers.The heat from her attracted onto me as i went in with my tongue.I could smell sweet cherry's today,still watermelon lip balm.It had been 20 minutes that we had been in there kissing and touching up on each other.We went back to class and everyone had left.

At break me,the boys and Jamie sat at a table.She actually sat on my lap whilst she read and the boys liked her.They were all cool with what happened and i apologised to Josh for the shitty words that came out my mouth even though most were true.We even had lunch together.Whilst we were eating,Michelle came up to me she asked "Why the fuck are you with her?Your supposed to be with me.I laughed with you because we were together." I laughed got up and said "My baby isn't like you ma'am.She's smart,dresses the fuck she wants and most of all dosen't bully others for their looks.She's the fucking best alright?"I got her soda opened the lid and threw it ontop of her."Don't inult me or my girlfriend ever again"I said to Michelle ".Right baby?"I asked Jamie.She nodded and smiled.

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