Dickheads & Sunsets

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It had been three weeks since Michelle had given Jamie that letter.It was a Monday I hadn't seen her in 2 whole days!When i went in she was crying by her locker.I instantly ran over,I was confused.Was it something I had said?I turned her around "Beautiful,what's wrong?" I asked. I look over at the boys and they shrug.She grabs my hand and pulls me into the changing rooms.She takes her top off and i see a bunch of brusies and hickeys. "Who on earth did this to you?My lips are not that small.Who's are they?."She bursted out in tears.I tried to calm her and then she pointed at Josh.My breathing became faster,I clenched my jaw,stared at him, dashed straight to him, I then grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him up to the wall."What the fuck is wrong with you?I'm giving you 2 seconds to tell me what happened or else.1...2..." I put my arm in a fist and punched him square on the nose.He started bleeding all over."What the actual fuck dude,what did he do to you?" Noah asked. "Come and look at Jamie." When he looked at her neck and legs he ran over to josh and punched him.Then, I told Noah to back off,I grabbed him by his shirt neck and dragged him all the way to the dean's office.Jamie following me all the way.I bursted the door open and threw the dickhead onto the floor."Corey Evans what on earth have you done to h-." I cut him."Sir,the real question is what did he do to my girlfriend?Look at her neck,her leg.This is all because of him."He called the nurse and took Josh to the hospital.

Me and Jamie sat on a bench,I grabbed Jamie's hand to help her ease the pain.She huddled closer into me,her face in my stomach.Her legs over my legs.I lifted her shirt just a little so i could put my hand on her belly to rub it.My other hand on her thigh.She liked it a lot,you could tell by her grinning with her dimples showing.Noah was sat on the other side 'texting'.He was really watching me kiss her lips.I knew he felt uneasy because of the pain that someone else left for him.I knew i had to do something about it.(Of course later because my girlfriend has just been assaulted) Mum had been called down,she went into the office whilst i carried Jamie to the car.I placed her into the seat,buckling her in.I drove off,I put some music on to calm the mood.It was called Sofia by Cairo.

I coughed and placed my hand on her thigh.I started singing.

"I think we could do it if we try.If only to say your mine!"I sang pointing and winking at Jamie replacing the name Sofia with Jamie. "Jamie know that you and I shouldn't feel like a crime."She smiled and unbuckled herself,I was confused but i carried on driving and singing.We stopped at a red light.She then climbed over to my side and sat on my lap.She started kissing me whilst the music was playing.I was so happy, I pulled over to the side and we got out.We sat on a hill and watched the sun set together.It was too hot soI took my shirt off and tucked it into my shorts,Jamie lied on my lap breathing slowly,rubbing her hands up and down my abs.Making eye contact with me,smiling so hard her dimples never left.She pushed me onto the ground so she could lie ontop of me.She was so short and cuddly,that we both slept on the hill.She woke me up when it was about to be sunrise.Instead of sitting and watching on the ground, we sat on the bonnet of my jeep in each others arms.

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