My Prom?

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It had been 2 months since the incident,Jamie had fully recovered from it and Josh was in juvenile.We were the happiest we could be,we were doing great.Prom was coming up and I had no one to go with because Jamie didn't want to go,I still however did.I came up with a plan,the same plan as i did when I asked her out.I got the roses and led them from her house door to my jeep.In the jeep a card.

I went and knocked on the door,her mum opened it. "Hola,is Jasmine in?" I said as she nodded."Jasmine!Boyfriend's here!" She shouted.I smiled and waited,she came running downstairs.She lept into my arms,I could smell her perfume.She gave me a kiss and she walked to the jeep.She opened the letter and it read 'Get into the jeep and then walk to the best room in my house.'She smirked and licked her lips at me.When we arrived she opened the door,pet Chow Chow and ran up.She immediatly opened the door and got the first letter,which was on my bed.'Go into the type of room were we first kissed secretly ;)' She without a doubt went into the bathroom.Behold,the 3rd one and the last one.She instantly grabbed the box and opened it.It was the last note saying 'will you go to prom with me.' She looked back and looked down.I knew she wouln't "Baby i will only go if you do one thing."She said smirking,I nodded quickly.

The next day she told me what to do,each thing different for each lesson.First period,she had to sit on my lap.I also had to wear a hoodie with a zip down wearing no shirt under.She made me undo it so she could keep her hand on my abs all lesson.I wasn't mad but Miss Johnson definately was.Period 2 and 3 was gym and her bet was that i had to take a shower with her after Gym.At break i put a piece of gum in my mouth and she kissed it out of my mouth.Very happy with that one,but the boys were grossed out.Period 4 we had math and again she had to sit on my lap but this time we had to kiss when she got something right."Mr Evans and Miss Gregory,this is not the place to be kissing!"He shouted at us.Everyone turned to look.I stuck my hand in the air as i kissed Jamie and gave my middle finger to him.My lips were tired after math.Period 5 we were in Biology learning about the brain.She had to kiss me everytime she got something right and my hoodie was down and her hands were on my abs.I saw Michelle,who was sitting next to us,watch us kiss each time.I wanted to make her mad so when Jamie got the question right instead of just kissing i kissed her then slowly let go of her bottom lip with my lips.She got so jelous it was hilarious.Last two lessons were history,We were watching a film.Again Jamie sat on my lap this time, we slipt out of class for a little alone time.I pushed Jamie to the wall and kissed her watermelon lips.I added some tongue in there and then i heard the door open, i knew it was michelle so instead of stopping i told Jamie to carry on.When Michelle walked in i let go of Jamie's top lip but not bottom."Damn baby your a good kisser." I said telling the truth and making her jealous."Baby your lips are just as good.I know a place that's better though."She said giggling.We both looked at her and then kissed even more.She ran out of the toilet.

When we got to her room,we sat down on her couch and I undressed.(some of my closet had been shifted over to her house just in case)I just put a hoodie on and took my trousers off.I even undid my zip.We layed in her bed and cuddled.We wanted to watch a film so she put one on 'after' it was called.She said she got hot half way through so she threw her hoodie off.We were watching and I ordered some pizza to eat.Jamie opened the pizza and written in pepperoni 'Now will you go to prom with me?' Her mouth was left wide open so i went ahead and kissed it.She nodded and said "Baby, i was kidding I just wanted to do all of that with you in school." "No way baby, you genuinely want that then why don't you just ask me,what would i say?" I said, she smiled and took a slice out.She took a bite and then gave me a bite.She dropped some sauce on my stomach.She looked at me,looked down and licked it off.I smirked and winked at her.Then i got a slice and 'accidently' got some on her face.I looked at her and licked it off.She dropped some on my thigh,she proceeded to lick it off.

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