Are first days always good?

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When we arrived to school, i saw Eric bolting to us.I fucked up during summer break.Like badly, i kissed his girl. "The fuck is your problem?Touching up on Amira! Your trying real hard to get to her!" he screamed at me. Knowing him he was just trying to get an audience but i just walked past him.One thing to know is Eric's mom and my mom are inseprable so he can't do anything to hurt me."I knew it! Your just a little bitch.Running away,good job . Touch her again and i'll fucking kill you!" He blared at me.I didn't even turn around and i flipped him off.I saw all the girls under their breath saying things like 'he's hot' or 'that was so hot'  and i just simply smirked around the halls,cringy i know.

Most of my large group left school and moved either across country or jumped out. That year it was me, Noah,Brody,josh and Alex.That's 5 less than the previous year,but i have to admit i did prefer it to 10 people.We all were so close.I'm so glad it's just the close ones i have that are here. As we walked to first period I saw Jax running up. "Hey umm Corey, i heard a bunch of people saying that Kace is about to punch the living shit out of you."He said panting. I held his shoulders and replied with "Get the fuck outta here or he's gonna beat the shit outta you first."  I saw Kace approaching and i rolled my sleeves up to punch him. He ran up to me,his bag thrown to the ground. He ran up and I punched him in his face and he fell. I grabbed him by the collars and started punching out his face. I could tell it was getting hard for him to stand so i stopped. I didn't actually want to hurt him but I thought he had left me no choice. His face beat up,red and bloody. He lay there in some blood,regretting even touching me. I knew it,that was dumb and i shouldn't have done it but i did it either way. I was sent to the pricipal and had to do detention for two weeks,writing a sorry note to him and apologising to his mom.


At lunch me,Noah and Josh were the only ones eating together because the other 2 were at the coach's office. The first thing i see as i eat my sandwhich is a very gorgeous girl sat on the table infront.She had her hair down,she was wearing a white t shirt with black shorts and black shoes.I locked eyes with her from my table. I looked her up and down licking my lips slowly and then i smirked then gave a wink.She had these pearlescent blue ocean eyes that i knew where too precious for my eyes.She didn't smile back or wink back she just looked around and then carried on eating.I know for a fact she did not just air a wink from me,Corey Evans. I couldn't say anything either because she was quite the tomboy and she was sat with Benjamin so i didn't even make an effort to get up.

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