Detention With Yours Truly

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It was one hour early off however of course Corey has a detention but i did not want to go. Instead I left from my class, walking pass detention and see her,the same her in there.Ok maybe i want to go inSo i open the door and somehow the seat next to her is free.By the God above! So i sit by her,she's drawing something and it seems to be a man with a full blown six pack.With his arm resting behind his head winking.I thought Is that me?It looks like me. I have to act like i didn't see it so i turned around.

During detention, the librarian shows up and she needed the girl.I didn't even know her name so whilst she was gone i slipt her book slyly into my hand.I read the front and it read 'Jasmine Adrian Gregory' Jasmine was crossed out and above read 'Jamie'. She has a cute name why dosen't she use it? my intellectual brain thought.I opened it and it was just a bunch of people's drawings inside.One of which was mine.She wrote 'The stupid not so hot basketball player who was winking at me from across the lunch hall.'  Wow an actual girl,a good girl noticing me? 

I heard the door rattling so i placed the book back and before the end of detention i left.I really loved looking through Jamie's book.I ran to my car and sat straight in.I took a look at my hand and saw that it had a massive bruise .Well that is what that dick deserved.I drove back to my house and straight away bolted inside.I took my shirt,shoes and trousers straight off.(my mom was not home for your information) I then went to the kitchen and cooked my self pasta.

I wanted to head into the pool but i couldn't be bothered to get my trunks so i just went.I went in the pool with my boxers on only.Whilst i was swimming the bulldog aka Chow Chow.Came over to me and as i was petting him i heard the door bell.So i opened it, i looked and seen the same girl working for pizza hut.'The hot girl from school working for pizza hut?Damn,she looks good.But i shouldn't act like i acknowledge that it's her.' Mom normally orders for me,even though sometimes i do like to cook but nevertheless i couldn't leave her.I go to get my wallet,which is on the island table.I'm thinking how much tip to give her and my dog rips my boxers.Now you can see both ass cheeks just out there!i turn around and said "Thank you for your service.Here you go beautiful,and an extra $70 tip for you have a great day!" I was so embarrassed because it could have happened any other way.In case your wondering yes i punished Chow Chow because nobody trains their dog to rip their boxers do they?

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