•Chapter 17•

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The next few days, up until New Years, we had time off of school, which would usually be great as I could spend as much time with the guys as I could. But for obvious reasons I'm still being ignored by them, or by one boy specifically - with the rest just following in his footsteps.

I just try keep myself busy with little jobs around the house, like fixing a crack in the wall or cleaning out the upstairs bedroom that has all my old junk in it from the old house.

Unintentionally, this last week has become a week filled with painfully beautiful memories of my childhood. From finding old pictures of my mom, to finding my dads last Christmas card that he sent me when I was 14, it's been a rollercoaster to say the least. It does keep me busy and averts my mind from thinking of Luke.

It's currently a Saturday afternoon, and I'm eating a chocolate cake, Yes, a whole chocolate cake, and watching some tv, although it seems to just be background noise because of all the thinking I'm doing. I hear a gentle knock on the door, and laugh to myself because I know for a fact it isn't luke, because no matter what mood he's in, he always bangs on my door. So I quickly put my cake down and speed walk to the door.

When I open it, I'm shocked to see that it's Bobby. I give him a weird look and he laughs at me.

"I know it's weird for me to show up here but I just think I need to ask you before someone else gets the chance. Do you wanna go out sometime?" He says and my mind instantly flash backs to that day, that Luke asked me out. It was out of the blue and way more awkward then when Luke asked me.

"You do know I'm with Luke right?" I ask with a smirk.

"No you're not? I mean from what he said I assumed it was completely over." My face dropped when he spoke.

"What Luke said? What did he say?" I ask worried.

"He said that after you guys had a fight, he realized that he didn't need someone like you in his life, he said that you were someone that he would never actually be into, he just wanted to show the guys what he saw from the beginning - that you were a horrible person." He says and my heart instantly shatters. Although I wasn't in love with Luke, I did feel love for him, so knowing he said that about me, when just last week he was telling me how amazing I was, breaks my heart.

"I think I can clear my schedule on New Years if you aren't busy."

"Great, anywhere in particular that you wanna go." His body calms itself.

I try and think of something that will really piss Luke off, even if he doesn't like me at all, I need to show him that the feeling is mutual.

"How about I rent a movie and you can come over and we'll have a home movie date?" I suggest. Luke would be so angry when he finds out I let Bobby into my house and not him.

"That sounds great, but your parents won't mind right?"

"They definitely won't, don't worry. I'll see you in a few days Bobby." I say and he says goodbye before making his way to his car.


A few days later and it's the 31st of December 1994. I'm hoping next year will be a better one and hopefully I can start this year on a positive note. Bobby told me he was coming over at 9pm, so we're gonna watch a few movies and then have a mini new year celebration with just us two.

I knew Bobby loved food (as I've seen him eat 4 family bags of chips in one day), I went to the store and got many snacks for tonight. I probably wouldn't buy this much food in a whole year but it's for a special occasion, and I need to make Bobby happy, just so Luke can see that I'm okay without him.

I have no idea what to wear tonight, although it is a date, it's the kinda date where you don't wanna dress up too much just to stay home and watch movies. I hate how Luke's date's were so much easier to dress for, but I think this just means that I care more about Bobby's option then I did with Luke.

I decided that I was gonna wear a white crop top and some loose beige joggers. As I put on my shirt, I hear a soft knocking on my door. Knowing it's Bobby, I race downstairs and open the door with a huge smile on my face, even if it was fake.

"Hey, I'm sorry I came so early, I can just wait in the living room so you can finishe getting ready." He says and I'm a bit taken back at his lack of empathy for my feelings.

"I am ready, I just thought that this is a casual date so I'm gonna dress casual and comfortable." I say with fake excitement.

"yeah I get that. Can I come in?" He asks and I move away from the door while he lets himself in and I close the door.

"So I made us a fort in the living room, cuz I thought it would be pretty cute and more comfortable." I say as we walk toward the living room. In the middle of the room, sits a large makeshift fort, filled to the brim with pillows and blankets - some Christmas lights to give off a nice feel were scattered around the interior of the fort.

"Wow." He mutters.

"It's not much but it is the best I could do."

"It's perfect." He grabs my hand, it felt forced and really awkward to be in that situation with him, but I kept the smile on my face, nonetheless.

"Well let's get comfortable. All the snacks are under there and I already put the movie in the DVR." I remove my hand from his, making my way into the fort.

"What movie are we watching?" He crawls in after me, and makes himself comfortable.

"The mask, I heard it was good and very funny, so i thought it would be perfect."

"Sounds good."

We crawl under the fluffy blanket, as I start the movie, then I lean into Bobby, so my head is on his shoulder and his body instantly tenses, but in a few minutes he seems less tense. When the movie finishes, Bobby and I sit talking for a few hours and before we know it, it's a minute away from midnight. We get up and count down the last seconds of 1994.

The thing that most shocked me about that night, was how Bobby grabbed me without any hesitation and kissed me when the clock struck 12. It felt nothing like how Luke kissed me. But the even stranger thing is the fact that straight after the kiss, he ran out without another word.

1994 // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now