Chapter 74

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1 year later.

"WHERE IS THE BLUE GUITAR PICK." I shout. Julie just looks at me and waits for me to calm down. So I sit down in the chair and try and slow my breathing.

"You done?" Flynn says.

"Don't be sassy. It's my wedding I'm allowed to be panicked." I say.

"Not as much as you are right now, bridezilla." I roll my eyes at Flynn and walk over to the try of champagne, and I take a large gulp of it.

"You do know that you'll be okay right? I mean it's just Reggie." Julie says.

"I know it's Reggie, that's what's scary. Reggie is a ghost as far as we know, everything that we do that's a new step in our relationship, I'm always terrified of. What if it's his unfinished business and then he has to cross over. I can't loose him Jules." I basically cry.

"Hey, calm down, if Reggie was close to doing his unfinished business, he would know. I have a feeling I know what their unfinished business is, but I don't wanna jinx it." Julie says.

"What do you think it is?" I ask.

"They have to play as a band again." She says fixing her bridesmaid dress.

"They play as a band with you a lot? They've never showed any signs of crossing over." I say.

"Julie means, they need to play as sunset curve. With Bobby." Flynn explains.

"But that'll never happen, so we should stop putting these ideas into her head." Julie says to Flynn.

"It doesn't matter, my level of stress is already through the roof, there's no use in trying to control it." I hear a knock at the door and tell whoever it is to come in.

"Hello there." Luke says as he pops his head in.

"Hey Luke." I walk up to him and embrace him.

"I know you're stressed but Reggies even more nervous then you right now." Luke whispers in my ear and I pull back and stare at him in shock. "No, he's not planning on leaving. Even if he was, I would hunt him down. He's just nervous about everything. I mean the guy can play in front of thousands but you put him on the spot and he's a teenager all over again."

"When do I have to go." I ask him

"Right now, it's why I'm here. The dad usually walks the bride down the isle, unless you don't want me to."

"Of course I want you to, you are my dad you know."

"I'll never get used to that age gap." Flynn says behind me.

"Okay, enough chatter, let's get you married." Luke says while ignoring Flynn. We all walk out the room and Julie and Flynn, walk past me and go toward the reception area. I stand in the corridor with Luke, fiddling with my dress, while trying to stay calm.

"MY SOMETHING BLUE." I remember out loud. I try to walk back to the room but Luke puts his hand on my arm and makes me look at him. When I do, he's holding a blue guitar pick up next to his face. I instantly smile and grab it from him, tucking it into the band around my waist.

"Ready?" He asks as we hear the typical wedding music playing.

"As I'll ever be."

We walk toward the entrance of the venue bf I take a few deep breaths. Luke hooks my arm around his and rubs my hand, trying to calm me down. Soon the music from inside the venture changes and I hear everyone inside, stand. I take one final breath before walking into the venue.

When I walk in, I lock eyes with Reggie, we both instantly tear up. I'm trying not to mess up my makeup so I start looking around. I see my bridesmaids standing, and watching me from the front of the venue, with huge smiles on their faces. Alex stands next to Reggie with a proud look on his face, while ray just looks at me with so much pride.

As I see all the people around us, who have supported me throughout my life, I realize just how lucky I am. Especially now that I have Reggie.


We sit down at the table, in front of everyone. Mom passed me some tissue, because speeches are next and she knows I'm gonna cry. Luke started off the speeches by clinking his glass. Instantly, everyone's attention was placed on him, which I don't think he minded that.

"Hey everyone, for those of you who don't know me, I'm Luke, I'm best friends with Reggie and we'll just say that my relationship with Lila is a little more complicated." Everyone who actually knows that Luke is my dad laughs, while everyone else just seems confused. "So I thought I would start off the speeches because, I have a lot to say so it'll take the pressure off the other people." Everyone laughs quietly.

"Well I'll start off with my boy Reggie. Reggie and I have known each other since we were 8 years old, and he has always been someone that I knew I could trust. This wedding just shows how much I trust him. For those of you who don't know this about Reggie, he and I are in a band with two other people, and because of that, I have many embarrassing stories about Reggie." He digs in his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. "When Reggie was 12, he was in love with the idea of becoming a pilot, he always said it was to run away from his troubles, but in reality I knew it was because he just likes the shiny things in the sky, anyway, he tried to build his own airplane, because how hard could it be? He used a cardboard box, glitter and some extra wheels that his dad had in their garage. He put it all together and got on top of his roof. Needless to say, the plane didn't really work in his favor - in the moment, but in the long run it really did. Without that stupid makeshift airplane, Reggie wouldn't have broken his leg, which means he probably would've never picked up a bass. So when you go through the whole list of things that he could've missed if he didn't like planes, well he would've missed out on a lot. So thank goodness for that. Now onto Lila. Lila and I haven't known each other that long, in comparison to Reggie, but she will always be someone that I will hold close to me till the day I die, again." Luke whispers the last part so nobody can really hear him. "Unfortunately I don't have many embarrassing stories about her, and even if I did, I wouldn't speak about them because I don't want to be decapitated." Everyone who knows the inside joke, chuckles at the situation that happened all those years ago.

"All I really have to say about Lila is that, no matter the circumstances, even if she's scared out of her mind, or if she's unsure of the consequences, she will always do what is right. Whether it be, protecting her family or making sure someone's okay, she always puts her needs before others, and I don't think that i could've asked for a better person in my life." I can see Luke starts tearing up, so I get up off my seat and hug him, while everyone else in the room 'awwws' us.

"I really do wish you guys the best with this relationship. No matter how much trouble I give you about it, I knew you guys were meant to be together. So Reggie you better look after her, or else you should be very scared." Everyone laughs at the empty threat, as we all toast, and carry on with the speeches.

1994 // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now