•Chapter 63•

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Lilas POV

Waking 30 minutes later, with a start when the sudden singing of the doorbell rang through my ears. I got up and got as presentable as I could, in the short time i had, but by the time I got to the door Julie was already answering it.

"I got it." She smiled at me.

"Okay." I said walking away and toward the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I hear Julie saying hello to someone, so I peep around the corner and see nick, aka the guy she's been crushing on since forever, standing at the door with flowers in his hand.

I quickly close the fridge and lean against the island trying to eaves drop on their conversation, while smirking to myself.

"Disgusting." I hear from beside me. I look toward the voice and see one of the guys from Julie's band, the guitarist I think? His arms were crossed and his face held a disgusted pout.

"I actually think it's pretty cute." I say while looking back at Julie.

"What?" He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I think it's sweet that he's supporting her. Even if she isn't interested." I say snacking on the chips that are on the counter.

"No, I mean you can see me?" He asks.

"Yeah? of course I can see you. Why, are you some sort of invisible man?" I try play along with the obvious plan that he was playing on me.

"No it's just, not many people can see me." He seemed breathless at the realisation that I could actually see him. Julie needs to find band mates that are a little less crazy.

"I don't know what that means, but I'm Lila. Nice to meet you." I stick out my hand for him to shake.

"I'm Luke." He slowly reaches down and takes my hand in his, the simple act seems to shock him, because as soon as he touches me, he lunges back.

"You're Sammy's daughter?" He says with a shaken voice.

"Yeah? You know my mom? I mean you probably would since you're in a band with Julie, mom always wanted to support my band but we got so big, very quick that it just got too much for her, she is better now, but she still has off days. You should know that I think you guys will blow up too. You're all really good." I say. When I look back at luke, he is still staring at me.

"You have my eyes." He musters out.

"What?" I ask, very confused by the situation.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there." He says and grabs my hand and holds it in his.

"I have no idea what you're talking about dude." I say a bit louder, all while trying to pull my hand out of his, hoping he would stop being weird and leave me alone. All of a sudden a gasp escapes from his mouth, which catches my attention, as well as Julie, who had just entered the kitchen with nick, to witness the scene that was about to unfold in front of her eyes.

I look toward Luke's hands, which is still firmly grasping mine, but when I look down I see that his hand, is turning to into dust and floating away. I look toward his face, seeing that he is just as shocked as I am, somehow brings me peace - knowing that he actually wasn't playing a joke on me, and whatever is currently happening, is serious.

Julie screams at Luke, tears clearly running down her face as she comes running toward us. She lunges at Luke and begs him to stay, but through that whole scene, his face melts into a calm state - it's as if he's come to terms with whatever is happening. I let my hand fall to my side, before I take a few steps back, giving Julie and Luke some space.

Luke fully hugs Julie before letting her go and walking toward me. He engulfs me in a hug, which again confuses me, but I let it happen either way.

"My name is Luke Patterson. Please don't forget me." He whispers in my ear, before completely disappearing - his body turning into nothing more then particles of dust floating through the air.

Everyone in the room stands completely still for a few minutes, in dead silence.

"What just happened?" I ask Julie. She shakes her head, sobbing loudly before running up the stairs to her room, nick trailing behind her.

Luke Patterson? He has the same last name as me but I've never seen him in my life. Maybe he was in school with Julie, I need to check her yearbooks just to be sure. There has to be a logical explanation for what just happened.

Since Ray isn't home, I go straight to the attic, to engulfed myself in some yearbooks, in hopes that it'll give me some answers. I though that I first need to check to see if Julie is okay, which she obviously isn't, but maybe it's best to leave her alone right now, besides nick is in there with her, and he seems like a great guy.

I walk up to the attic and go directly to the bookshelf filled with different novels, yearbooks and textbooks, from when my mom and Rose were in school. Out of interest, I pick up one of the books that I know my mom would've been in, from 1994-1995. I look through the book and find the class of that year. I look through the pages and finally find that tiny photo of my mom. She wore a sleeveless shirt and if you look close enough, you can see her tiny bump from where she was trying to hide me.

Next I look at the class group photo, I realize that this photo must've been taken a while before the actual senior photo, as my mom didn't look pregnant at that time. The biggest surprise is that when I see my mom, she isn't standing alone. Alongside her are four boys. One of them is definitely Trevor, from when he was younger, but next to him, a blond guy and a brunette are holding each others legs up, all whilst holding onto another boy, who is carrying my mom in his arms. I look a little closer at the other three boys, all of them do look familiar, but I honestly couldn't tell you where I knew them from. The one that catches my eye the most, is the boy carrying my mom, I go down to the list of the students names.


Luke Patterson? The guy who was just in the kitchen is somehow in the yearbook from when my mom was a senior.

Either I'm crazy or that guy is a time traveler, maybe he's the son of this yearbook guy, but I know that deep down that theory doesn't seem right.

I take the yearbook down to the kitchen and put it into my bag, before heading over to Trevor's house to ask about the guy holding my mom- knowing that he's probably one of the only people who would give me a straight answer.

When I get there I ring the bell and unfortunately Carrie answers the door.

"What do you want?" She says. I ignore her and push past her to make my way through the house to find Trevor.

"Excuse me? You can't just barge into my house like that." I ignore her again and continue walking.

"Where's your dad?" I ask sternly.

"He's meditating upstairs." She says in a duh tone.

I run up the stairs and barge into his meditation room. He looks at me in shock, as I haven't been in this house for a long time.

"Who's Luke Patterson?"

As I say those words, his face drains of all colour.

1994 // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now