•Chapter 54•

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Before I head over to Julie's house, I grab the one piece of paper that I had kept from my old diary from the 90's, before folding it and putting it in the back pocket of my jeans. The diary had gone missing years ago, but that song was always with me - in my purse or in my pocket.

When I arrive at the house I go straight for the studio, knowing that Julie will be in there. I see her sitting behind the grand piano in her regular clothes.

"Hey you." I say walking up to her.

"Hey Sammy." She says with an upset voice.

"What's wrong with you? Tonight's your big night, it's exciting." I say trying to boost her energy.

"I'm just having a rough day."

"Tell Sammy, what happened." I say in a baby voice, which gets a little laugh out of her.

"Today was that dance thing, and I was dancing with a guy I've liked for years."

"Oh lucky you, did you give him your number?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows.

"That's the thing, when I was dancing with him, I was pretending that it was someone else that I've known for a few weeks. It's like our connection is so much stronger."

"Well if you feel that way, then there's just some things that you can't change. So you should tell the original crush that you're not interested before he gets the wrong idea."

"But I can't be with the guy that I've known for a short time."

"Why not?"

"The whole world is against us, fate is against us, Sammy."

I couldn't help but giggle over how dramatic she was being, but at the same time, I can understand how easily it can feel that way - especially when you're a teen.

"I know this is a serious conversation, but I actually brought you something that might help." I reach into my back pocket and pull out the piece of paper, and hand it to Julie. "It's a song I wrote just after Lila's father died. I was only 17 but I knew what love felt like, and if you are feeling anything of the sort, take the song as a piece of advise. Don't waste your time thinking of the negative, focus on the positive and you'll always be successful." I say and Julie looks down at the song in her hands.

"Perfect harmony?" She asks.

"Yeah, that title was actually suggested by your mother, you know she helped me through a lot, but somehow she always understood me and how I was feeling."

"Thank you, Sammy."

"It's no problem, now, you better kill it tonight, and remember, don't be nervous because you'll be a star no matter what."

I go into the outside apart of the studio and help Ray set up the cameras before any guests show up. When people actually start joining the party, it fills up pretty quickly.

Soon enough I hear Flynn introducing the band while Carlos and one of his friends, open the studio doors so Julie can walk out.

"Wassup everybody! Time to put your hands up, do a little dance yep, here's the new anthem from Julie and the phantoms." I laugh at the way Flynn can incorporate her rhyming abilities into anything.

Julie walks out and I notice that she's wearing some of my clothes from the 90's that I gave her in the chest a few weeks ago.

"Thanks for coming everyone." She says into the mic before starting the song. I realize very quickly that the song she's singing is the song that Luke wrote with me, just before he died.

1994 // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now