•Chapter 24•

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"Boys, we have to celebrate this. This is a huge deal. We're gonna be able to share our music with so many people." Luke says as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"We should throw a party, and invite everyone, especially the cheerleaders." Reggie says, which makes everyone laugh.

"And just think, Reg, soon those cheerleaders will be asking you, for your number." Alex says

"That's my dream." Reggie says getting emotional.

"Alright superstars, if you wanna throw a party, you have to make sure to advertise yourselves. You know, so you can have support at the Orpheum. Don't wanna get there and there are no people there." I say

"We have a following, we've played clubs and people know us." Luke smiles at me, showing his cocky side.

"Maybe, but, there's never too many people on your side, so I propose a plan. When this party happens, I think you should have a little performance session." I suggest.

"It would be a good way to show people our music." Alex agrees.

"That's a good idea Sammy, but I have a request." Luke says getting up and standing in front of us again.

"A request?"

"Yes, you know that song that we've been writing," I nod, "We will do a mini concert, if for the last song you come on stage and sing 'great' with us." I look at him as if he has 3 heads.

"Sorry to tell you but I can't sing." I lie.

"Yes you can, I always hear you singing your lungs out in your car and you sing unknowingly when we write together. So you're singing with us."

All the boys stare at me with hopeful eyes, so obviously I can't say no.

"Fine but only one song."

"That's completely fine."


A few days later and we finally got everything ready for the party. We decided to have it at Bobby's house because there's more space and all the instruments are already there, Luke and I spent all of last night adding onto the massive sunset curve sign that I made them for Christmas, so we can hang it up on the doors of the studio. I have a feeling it's gonna be good.

The plan for the night is that once all the guests arrive, the guys will play a few songs (the last one is with me) and then after that we're just having a normal high school party to celebrate.

It's now 7pm and people are starting to arrive. Luckily Luke and the guys are all ready to go, so when I call them they instantly come outside and wait for everyone to settle so that they can play. Luke gets up on stage first and speaks to the audience.

"Hey everyone thanks for coming, we really hope you enjoy these next few songs, and if you do please come and watch us play at the Orpheum on the 17th of March 1995. Don't miss it because it will be a day that will go down in history. The first song we're gonna be playing is called 'now or never', hope you enjoy."

Throughout the whole set I can't stop looking at luke. I know that he's handsome but there's something about him when he plays with the band that makes me so attracted to him.

Finally came my time to shine.

"Everyone, tonight we're gonna do something a little different, I have my girlfriend here, who is also my co-writer for most of the new sunset curves songs, and I've convinced her to come up here and play one song with us, so this is a song we wrote a few days ago called "great". Sammy come up." Luke motions to me and I hesitantly get up on stage and place myself on the piano stool that is say in front of the boys.

1994 // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now