Chapter 70

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Sammy's pov.

Luke and I had just finished talking to Reggie about what he wanted to ask us, when Lila and Alex come rushing into the studio.

"Willie is dead." She says loudly.

"What?" Luke says.

"Willie, Caleb killed him, the night he killed mom. But Willie isn't a ghost, he's fully gone now." She cries. I go up to her and take her in my arms.

"We have to stop him." Luke says with authority.

"How? Okay he killed his own daughter!"

"Alex is right. He would kill you guys in a heartbeat, I don't want to risk any of you completely disappearing." I say

"He wouldn't kill me." Lila says in my ear.

"We are not taking that chance." I say to her.

"What else do we have to loose? If one of you tries it, then you will go away forever, if I do it, then I become a ghost." She continues.

"Lila, you are not getting killed, nobody else is either. We're safe now, he won't try and attack us on our own ground." I say.

"That's where you're wrong." Alex mutters, I turn and face him, "he's already on our turf. Turns out your dad is pretty good with possessions."

"Like Voldemort?" Reggie asks and we all turn to look at him.

Lila strokes his head and just says a simple "no."

"He's possessed nick." Alex says.

"Julie's crush?" I ask and Alex just nods.

"What are we gonna do." Lila asks.

"We'll figure it out, I know we will, we just have to warn Julie before she-" I'm cut off by a high pitched scream, and we all instance poof into the house, everyone except Lila and Reggie, who are probably running to us as we speak.

When we find the source of the scream, I see nick is passed out on the couch, and Caleb has Julie in a choke hold, with a piece of glass pointed directly at his heart.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my house band." Caleb says.

"We aren't your house band!" Luke yells from behind me.

"Why are you so desperate to get them into your club?" I shout at him.

"Because Sammy, they have power, I was the only ghost who could be seen by lifers before they showed up, and now? I could become second class very soon, so I will never stop trying to get them on my show, even if it kills everyone on this earth."

"And what about Lila? Huh? What are you gonna do when the one person who still believes that you're a good man, finds out that you've killed her dad, and her mom? Won't that completely destroy you inside." I lie for the most part, to try and stop him from making any bad decisions that could end Julie's life.As I finish my sentence, I see his face drop, for what feels like a millisecond, but soon returns to its evil smirk.

"Lila won't get in my way, because if she does, it's her own fault."

"And you won't feel any guilt?" I ask him.

"None, whatsoever." He says with a smirk.

"Well now I'm glad I can do this without any guilt." I hear from behind Caleb. And the next thing I know, Caleb's decapitated head is laying at my feet. As his body falls to the floor, I see Lila, holding up a sword, while Reggie is hiding behind her.

Julie runs over to me and I hug her as she cries into my chest.

"Where did you get a sword from?" I ask her shocked.

"It was reggie's birthday present, since he liked the Harry Potter movies so much, but I feel like this was probably a better suited use for it." She laughs. Soon Caleb's body turns to a dust before blowing away, and practically vanishing.

"That was so hot." I hear Reggie say.

"That's my daughter dude." Luke says.

"I'm not even sorry." He says while staring at her in admiration.

"Someone's in love." I whisper to Luke.

"What just happened." Nick says from the couch, suddenly not so unconscious anymore.

"This is all a dream, ohhhhhhhh." Reggie dances in front of him and does the 'spooky' noise.

Lila pulls him back by the shirt and he stays at her side. Julie walks up to nick and tries to explain everything in such a way that is understandable to a human who has never experienced this kind of thing before.

After a few hours of explaining to nick, the basics of everything that has happened, he promises not to say anything to anyone, and carries on his way back home.

"So, anyone wanna watch some tv?" I say, which causes everyone to laugh, but we all sit down on the couches and switch on the tv. We flip through channels until a familiar face pops up on one of them, which causes Julie to stop switching channels.

"Many years ago, I was in a band with three of my best friends. The band was called sunset curve and we were gonna be famous someday. Unfortunately on a day, that was very important to us, the other three members of my band, passed away due to food poisoning. In the time between finding out about their death and actually playing the show, I made the selfish decision to play the show on my own. This show was the one that started my whole career. A few months later, I signed a record deal with some very important companies, and proceeded to record and sell, a whole album of songs. That album, consisted of 14 songs. I am making an official apology to my fans, my family, but most importantly - Luke, Reggie and Alex. Those songs on that album were not mine, I can never live up to the writing abilities that those boys had, especially Luke. I am here today to make things right, not only to tell the world my truth, but to prove to my three brothers, that what they died for, did not go to waste. Instead they helped me in ways that I couldn't thank them enough for, without those three boys, I wouldn't have my fans, my music or my amazing family. Without those boys, I would've been the weird kid in high school that played guitar. Without those boys, I probably wouldn't know who I was. So I am here today to admit, I am a fraud. I am a liar. And I am a man who has done many wrong things in his life. But I hope that someday in the near future, I will be able to wake up and realize that I am changing for the better. And I hope that everyone who has supported me in my career will be able to forgive me. And finally, to my boys, I'm sorry for everything I put you through, most of my actions involving you guys, were selfish and inconsiderate. I apologize sincerely. Luke Patterson, will go down as one of the beat writers in Rock music, from today on. Thank you and goodnight."

We all sit in silence for a while, processing what was just said. Most of us couldn't believe he did it, while the other half couldn't believe how sincere he was.

Guess a band reunion would have to be in line now.

1994 // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now