•Chapter 42•

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Today started off quite slow, as I didn't have to take Julie to school or fetch her, which to my surprise I was actually sad about.

I had promised Ray that I would bring over some of my old clothes for Julie to try on and see if she liked them, so that's the only thing I really have planned for today.

I also get to work with some clients of mine that have been with me for over a year, they're a boy band but they're pretty close to breaking into stardom, which is a shame because these boys are actually really nice guys and I've seen what fame can do to people.

"Hello gentlemen." I say walking into the booth.

"You know you don't have to call us that right? We're friends so just call us by our names." Dana says.

"I know but if my boss is watching and I call you that, I could get fired. Anyway what are we working on today? Vocals or writing?" I ask.

"We need some help on a few songs that just aren't fitting right with us. We don't really know how to end it so we need the professional help." Will says.

"Okay what have you got?" I ask.

For the next couple of hours the 5 boys and I continue writing their songs, so we can get something recorded within the next few days.

"Well I think we did a pretty good job today. Although I have a slight suggestion."

"What is it?"

"Next time you guys wanna steal a song make sure your producer wasn't best friends with the band." I say to them.

"What do you mean stolen, we haven't stolen anything." Cole says.

"That song, it's a song called now or never by sunset curve. You can't use it."

"I've never even heard of that band." Gabe says

"Yeah, so if we haven't heard about it, then it's not our fault." David forces.

"I don't have time for this guys, that song needs to be dropped, or you can find yourself a new producer."

"Fine, we don't really need you. I'm sure there are plenty of producers out there that wanna work for us." They all get up when Dana finishes, and head for the door.

"Yes there are, but most of them will charge you until you're all too broke to live a normal life anymore or they will treat you like dirt. But sure, go ahead I'm sure the Hollywood music scene is definitely for a boy band who can't even get themselves a decent manager."
And with that they all walk out.

I sit down in my chair and sigh, with my head back.

"Do you need me to handle them?" I hear from across the room, which startled me because there wasn't supposed to be anyone else in there.

"Caleb? Seriously? Now you're showing up to my job? You know you can't do that! I can be fired!" I say to him.

"I'm just here to help my daughter."

"I stopped being your daughter many years ago."

"that's not a nice thing to say. One might think that you're ungrateful for all that I've done for you." He says with venom in his voice.

"I never said I wasn't grateful, however what I did say is that I could get fired if they find out my dad is in here. Then again you look the same age as me so you'll pass as a sibling or something."

"I just came here to talk to you about something." He says playing with the dials on the soundboard.

"What do you need now?"

"I don't think I see enough of Lila, I would like her to come to the club more."

"You're not the only one she barely sees. Caleb, she's on a world tour right now, you can't expect her to drop everything to see you. She doesn't even do it for me and I'm her mother."

"Fine, then you need to come down more."

"Me? And where would you like me to find the time to do so? Between helping Julie and Carlos, trying to stay in touch with my daughter and dealing with my jackass of a boyfriend at home, there is no time."

"I can help with that."

"Caleb, no. I can handle things by myself, I know you have good intentions but right now, you helping will just add to my stress. So please, stay out of it."

"Fine, but remember if you ever need my help, I'm here." He instantly vanishes and leaves me feeling tired and annoyed.

"I need to get going," I say to the receptionist, Johnny, "please just tell anyone who asks, that it's a family emergency, please and thank you." I walk out of the building and straight to my car.

I arrive at the Molina's house with my trunk full of clothes from the 90s for Julie to check out. I let myself in and put the heavy case down. I hear voices from upstairs but I'm not sure who they belong to, except julie's. When I get up the stairs I see a boy walking into Carlos's bedroom with a sleeveless hoodie on and instantly think back to the first day I met Luke, which makes me smile.

I then walk to Julie's room and see that she's talking to Ray.

"Hey there." I say cheerfully, despite my sour mood.

"Hey Sammy." They say in unison.

"Who was that guy walking into Carlos's room? Did you get a babysitter, because you know I'm always free?"

"Nobody was in carlos's room? Carlos is at Tia's house for the night." Julie says.

"Oh, must've been my imagination then. It's been a busy few days so I think my brain needs time to catch up." I say, "So what are we talking about?"

"I was just telling Julie, how I took the house off the website." I furrow my eyebrows at what Tay had said.

"Why would you take it off, did you already get an offer?"

"Nope, Julie decided that if the rest of us wanted to stay, she would be willing to stay too."

"Well, that's great news, I'm happy and relived that you're gonna stay. Wouldn't want you guys too far from me."

"I'm gonna go to the studio for a bit if that's okay?" Julie asks ray and I can honestly say I've never been more shocked.

"Sure, go ahead." Ray replies.

Julie walks out and when I know she's out of listening distance, I turn to Ray with a shocked face.

"I know it's strange, finally after a year, she decided that it would be good to start singing again."

"You're kidding?" I say excitedly.

"Fortunately not, she sang the song Rose left her, this morning."

"I can't believe this." I am honestly shocked that she wants to do this again but I am beyond proud of her.

"I left some of my clothes downstairs for her, she can go through it whenever she has time."

"I'll tel her, thank you Sammy. For everything."

"It's really no trouble at all."

1994 // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now