•Chapter 53•

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While Dirty Candy is singing, I look down at my coffee and realize that it's finished. When I look up again, I get the fright of my life. Alex, is not only on stage, but he's dancing along to the song.

I couldn't help but laugh, as I remember all the random dance parties that we would have during their band practices. Honestly, I feel sorry for the people watching the performance right now, because Alex dancing, makes it so much more entertaining.

When the song finally finishes, Alex strikes a pose and does a twerk spin on stage before disappearing. I love that he's still the same person that he was all those years ago.

"That was pretty good." Ray says.

"Yeah it was, too bad I can't stand her."

"She's a kid, Sammy."

"So was Luke." I say back and sit back in my chair waiting for the next act.

"Next up we have Julie and the fat ones." The announcer says and my attention instantly snaps to the stage. As does rays.

I watch on, as Julie walks onto the stage and sits behind the piano.

"Um, it's actually Julie and the phantoms." She speaks into the mic. When nobody responds she turns all of her focus onto the song. It starts off with a beautiful soft intro. But the minute the beat picks up, I'm in shock, because not only is Julie on stage, when she's supposed to be grounded, but she's on stage with my boys.

When my eyes finally land on Luke, I can't help my tears from spilling over. I thought I had lost him forever but here he is, singing on stage with my goddaughter. Just when the last bridge of the chorus comes up, Julie and Luke look at each other while sharing the microphone. I can't help but wonder if they feel something for each other. The way Luke looks at Julie now, is how he used to look at me when we were younger.

Knowing Julie, and her crush that she's had on that boy from her school for the last three years, it's hard to tell if her look is sincere, but I don't really want to know.

The song finally ends and the band takes a bow, disappearing from everyone else, except me, I watch the boys as they walk off stage.

"I can't believe she disobeyed me" ray says.

"You go get her and I'll wait in the car." I say patting him on the back, knowing that Julie is about to get a massive lecture.

I walk to the car and hop inside and wait for them to join me. When they finally get into the car, I turn around in my seat and give Julie a pitiful look, which she returns with a small smile.

Before they head home, they drop me off at my house. Dan's car is still missing and I have no idea when he'll be back.


When I get to julies house about a week after the coffee shop incident - to take her to school- I find Ray in the kitchen with Reggie, singing the song from the coffee shop. Before I can explain to Reggie why I'm here, Julie walks downstairs.

"Well, this is new."

"Yeah I was in the mood for cooking some breakfast." Reggie laughs at ray.

"He thought you were talking to him, me and your dad are pals now. It's a little one sided, but, it works."

"Look, after the talk we had the other night, I was thinking that I cost you an opportunity with that manager. So I was thinking."

"Dad no, I should've never snuck out."

"Let the man speak, he's been stress eating all week, I don't know where he puts it though, it's like firm." Reggie says causing me to snort.

"I know, but I really want to support your band, so, I called in some favors and booked you a local gig."

"Woah, best dad ever!" Reggie exclaims.

"Oh my gosh! Where? Did you call your buddies from drakes?"

"Not quite, I called Flynn and she's gonna help us throw a party, here. Tonight.

"Maybe I spoke to soon with the best dad ever thing." Reggie says.

"Really Ray? A party here?"

"So you booked us a gig at our house?"

"Hear me out, you invite some of your friends over, you play with your band and I'll get some of my colleagues to put you on film, that way you'll have something professional for your YouTube."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Yeah!" Ray says.

"Back to best dad ever! I'll go tell the guys, have a good day at work Ray. It's cool you don't have to answer." Reggie says and then disappears.

"Well, you ready to go?" I ask Julie.

"Yeah I am, but I have a question. You used to be a dancer right?"

"Yeah kind of. Why do you ask?" I grab a piece of bacon from Ray's plate when he has his back turned.

"I'm doing a dance routine today and I was wondering how you get your nerves out." She asks

"Well I usually run around a bit before going on stage, that way I don't really have time to overthink."

"Okay that could work, thanks"

"No problem. Now let's get going, I have to get to work. Bye Ray!" I shout as I push Julie out the door and to the car.

"You will be there tonight, right?" Julie asks

"Of course I will, I wouldn't miss it for the world." I reply and Julie smiles at me, obviously satisfied with my reply.

When I finish dropping Julie off I give her the last few words of encouragement for the day, before going to work for the next few hours, after which I have to leave to go to Ray's house again, for the party tonight, that I was most nervous for because the boys have a higher chance of seeing me.

1994 // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now