Chapter 1

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3rd Person POV

A young boy is seen walking out of a convenience store at night with a smirk on his face and a skip to his steps in a seemingly good mood.

"*Sigh* I'm stocked up and ready to go! Anime marathon here we go!!!" He said to no one in particular as a few onlookers, gave him questioning stares.

The young boy proceeded to walk home, excited to perform one of his many lazy neet rituals, he reaches a crosswalk. He yawns tiredly and rubs his eyes from a lack of sleep, when suddenly...


As the young boy saw the truck getting closer and closer, he thought. 'Ah Hell no! I ain't gonna be your next victim Truck-kun!!' and in an adrenaline driven movement he sprinted to the other side while successfully avoiding the usually swift Truck-sama.

Seeing his success, he proceeds to swiftly turn and walk backwards facing the road, "Ha! How d'ya like me now?!" He yelled. "That's right Truck-sama! You're not getting any of this tonight! Go and Fah! Aaaaahhh!!"

The truck might have missed a victim today... But, somehow by a twist of date, the young boy just happened to trip, and just happened to fall head first into an open man hole... I swear, it was no mistake.

But the boy suddenly woke up taken aback, "Aaaaaahhh!!!!!... Oh... The frick?" He said as he looked at his surroundings only to see darkness stretching to what he assumed was eternity...

"Meh" he said nonchalantly as he shrugged and began to stretch. Suddenly, he heard an oddly majestic voice calling to him.

"Greetings mortal, I shall welcome you to the Void." Said the calm and soft voice. The boy proceeded to turn looking in all directions, searching for the source of the voice. Suddenly, a ball of pure light appears out of nowhere.

Seeing the odd phenomenon, the boy asks.

"The frick are ya?"

"Apologies for having startled you, please relax." Said the mysterious... Being?

"You are here because you have passed away, however you needn't worry, you shall reincarnate soon enough-" said the ball of light as it was suddenly interrupted.

"Woah woah woah!... Woah... Hold up sparkles! You're going waaayy too fast." Said the boy slightly annoyed. "Apologies, I shall slow my pacing from here forth, do you have any questions?" Asked the light creature patiently. "Yeah, first off... Who is the hell are you? And where am I?" Asked the boy not so patiently. "I am but a mere guide, here to help you through the process of reincarnation. And this here is what we would call the void." Answered the guide calmly.

"Uh-huh, and what is this so-called 'Void'... Wait, did you just say reincarnation?" Asked the boy with slight annoyance that soon turned into curiousity.

"The void is a dimension where souls that are undergoing the process of reincarnation go to after their life has ended, it is essentially empty space, a waiting room if you must, hence the name Void... And yes, I indeed said reincarnation." Answered the guide.

"So... WAIT IS THIS SOME ISEKAI TYPE SH*T?" Screamed the boy shocked and excited at the same time. "But... Wait, isn't God supposed to appear to do this or something?" Asked the boy confused.

"Well... The creator, is very busy. Which is why beings such as myself exist, to help with this process. It is my assigned task, my divine mission, my-" said the guide-ball-of-light as it was interrupted by the boy saying "yeah yeah, I get it... But dang, I wasn't expecting to be isekaid... So what? You're just going to toss me into the next world and call it a day?" Said the boy, already bored with this conversation.

"Um, not exactly. You see-" Starts the guide, until once again, it is rudely interrupted. "Geez I was kiddiiiing. You could learn to... lighten up." Says the boy with a smirk. A sentence the ball of light decided to disregard completely.

"V-very well then, I shall now reincarnate you, prepare yourself." Said the guide getting everything in position, when suddenly...

"Oh. My. Anime. Where is My Phone?!!!" Screeched the boy. "U-umm... Pardon?" Asked the guide confused and scared. "You haveth been pardoned... Ah! But seriously where is my phone?! I was in the middle of a really good Otome game and everything!!!" Whined the boy as he desperately searched for his phone. "Ummm... Well... I-I'll see what I can do." Said the ball of light hesitantly. "Really?! Thanks sparkles!" Said the boy with a wide smile and stars in his eyes. "Could you please not call me that?" Asked the guide with clear annoyance. "No can do Sparkles! The name's sticking." Said the boy enthusiastically. "... *Sigh* very well then." The guide said as it reincarnated the boy. "Let's just get this over with as quickly as possible..."

"Good luck, Yamamoto Hideki."


Fyi there will be many major changes to the story from here on out. Just a heads-up.

[DISCONTINUED] Reincarnated: Turning an Otome Game Into a BL! Heck Yeah!Where stories live. Discover now