Heads or Tails

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Third Person's POV

We started on an airship arriving to Robotropolis, the ship was of none other than Robotnik "E.T.A. Planet Mobius, thirty seconds..." A swatbot said "Five seconds, Dr. Robotnik" it said "Mmmm, we're home, Cluck. I do miss the beauty of this place when I'm away" Robotnik said to his roboticized bird  who clucks and the ships lands and Robotnik gets out to be received by Snively "Good morning, Dr. Robotnik. Exciting trip?" Snively asks "shut up, Snively" Robotnik said walking past him and Cluck clucks at Snively and he presses a button making Cluck's eyeball pop out and then presses it again making it get pushed back in making the bird dizzy "Oh what is it, Cluck? Does your head need another head adjustment?" Robotnik asks and does it and heads inside.

*At Robotnik's control room*

"Any hint of that troublesome hedgehog and that troublesome wolf?" Robotnik asks "Not exactly, Dr. Robotnik" Snively said "What do you mean, not exactly? Either there is or there isn't!" Robotnik said "Well I- you see I- but I-.... Emergency, Dr. Robotnik! Monitor ten!" Snively said and the two see Tails picking up some flowers "Isn't that one of those Freedom Fighters?!" Robotnik asks "Affirmative, sir. His name is Tails and he is usually accompanied by Sonic and Brody" Snively said "Take him! Perhaps his cries will flush out.... the hedgehog and the wolf!" Robotnik said.

*At a Forest*

Tails was sniffing the flowers he picked up "This may be the flowers Sonic asked for Brody, they are really pretty!" Tails said and sniffs more "Ah- ah- AHHH-choo!" Tails said sneezing sending him back a bit and gasps when he sees a Buzz Bomber rush towards him.

Meanwhile Rotor a walrus was sesrching his backpack in the middle of the woods humming "Nope, not here, uh-uh, nope, nope, nope, mmm!" Rotor said "You ready, Rotor?!" Sonic asks "Ready!" Rotor said and Sonic runs in playing his red guitar and sings "Hey Brod, don't let anyone call ya a fool, 'cuz handsome you know that together we are way past cool! Way past cool! Way past cool huh? How do you like the entrance? You know the way I come flying in, hit  the old Axl Rose coze, right on the down beat" Sonic said "I don't know if Brody would like that, it's too hard rock, maybe he likes it softer" Rotor said and Sonic tosses his guitar when he heard that "Softer?! What do ya mean, softer?! Oh, I hate softer and I bet Brody hates softer too! Softer is for pillows, for ice cream! Music has gotta move! It's gotta be pedal to the metal! It's gotta-" Sonic said "Ballad!" Rotor said "Ballad-shmalled! Nuh-uh, no way, man! Ballads makes me wanna hurl!" Sonic said "What ballad?" Brody asks from behind Sonic startling him making Brody catch him in his arms "Hey! You do this on purpose! How long have you been behind me?" Sonic asks "Maybe amd enough" Brody said kissing Sonic's cheek making him blush "I like that rock solo, it's a lovely song" Brody said "See! Brody gets it!" Sonic said wagging his little tail and kisses Brody's cheek "You two were made for each other" Rotor said with a sigh "Sonnniiiiic! Brooooodyyy!" The three hear Tails yell "Thought you said Tails was picking up flowers" Sonic said as Brody sets him down "He was.... two minutes ago" Rotor said as Sonic and Brody run off.

"The foul little beast is ours, Cluck. Yesssss... it worked! There's the hedgehog and the wolf! Bomber one, the hedgehog and wolf is directly behind you! Forget the small one! Get Sonic and Brody! Get them! GET THEM!!!" Robotnik said observing the monitor. The buzz bomber shot a laser at Tails but Sonic and Brody grab Tails in time and keep running and the laser gets deflected back at the buzz bomber destroying it "Hang tight, Tails!" Sonic said putting Tails in Brody's backpack "We're juicing warp seven!" Brody said and the two pick up the pace "Hey, Sonic! Brody! Over here!" Rotor said and the duo runs up to him when a robotic eyeball flyes up to them "Little  news, buclet head Robotnik!" Sonic said to the spybot "Read the old lips. You are hidtory, done, through, out of here!" Brody said " 'Cuz the Freedom Fighters are up and on the job!" Brody and Sonic said fist bumping "We're there" Rotor said "Hi, mom" Tails said jokingly and they were about to leave "Wait! Mark MY words, hedgehog and wolf. Before this day is done, you two and the power rings, will be right in the palm of my hand" Robotnik said "Should we hold our breath, guys?" Sonic and Brody said pretending to be scared "No way, nope, nuh-uh" Tails and Rotor said "Let's juice" Sonic and Brody said running off.

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