Game Guy

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Third Person's POV

We start this chapter with a vehicule being chased by swatbots. It lands and Ari gets out and runs away. Meanwhile Sonic, Brody and Sally are dismantling a ship "Any year now, Sal!" Sonic said "You know, your unremitting perserverance is an example to us all, Sonic" Sally said "Say what?" Sonic asks "Just move it you two" Sally said "Hokd on to your socks, Sal!" Brody said as he and Sonic were holding a rope with an anchor and the two run foward rising the ship's pieces "That's good guys!" Sally said and Brody ties the rope to a tree stump and the duo walks to Sally "Yeah! Any cool stuff for the Deroboticizer?" Sonic asks "No, nothing yet" Sally said "Man, what is all this junk? Hey, check this guys! A toaster!" Sonic said grabbing a magnetic field generator "No way, Sonic! That's a magnetic field generator!" Brody said You mean it's not a toaster? Then what'd it do?" Sonic asks "It's a very powerful magnet" Sally said.

*Meanwhile in Knothole's Lookout*

"Magnifique! My princess Sally, I'm seeing my love for you is like a huge fungo salad, my little tomato.... You are the onions of my eyes.... The gray flowers of my ear... The cucumber..." Antoine said writing a poem "Ant, you're making me hungry. Besides, we're supposed to be lookouts" Tails said "That's right, Tony. Lookout!" Dulcy the dragon said causing Antoine to shout but Tails and Dulcy laugh at this.

*Back with Sonic, Brody and Sally*

"Wow, it's still in excellent shape!" Brody said "Let's check it out!" Sonic said about to touch it but Brody grabs his hand "Careful Sonic" Brody said "switch that on and you'll attract every piece of metal within 50 feet" Sally said "Woah! That could be ugly" Sonic said "Yoo-hoo! Alló, ma princesse!" Antoine said "Ew, speaking of ugly..." Brody said "I have wriggen for you, my Princess! I'm falling in love with you!" Antoine said but trips and grabs onto the rope untying it making it pull Antoine foward as the ship's pieces fall and Sonic gets Sally out of the way and Brody grabs the magnet and Antoine falls from a tree "Nice landing, Ant" Sonic said "You gotta teach that to Dulcy" Brody said "Are you ok, Antoine?" Sally asks "Moi? But of course, ny princess. I've never been so much better..." Antoine said.

"Dulcy, check this out! Somebody is coming" Tails said and Dulcy sees Ari, a ram being chased by swatbots "Oh, oh! Swatbots! You better tell Sonic and Brody!" Dulcy said.

"Sonic! Brody!" Tails said flying to them "What's up, big guy?" Sonic and Brody ask "Sonic, Bridy, swatbots! They're chasing some guy this way" Tails said "Some guy?" Brody asks "Yeah over there!" Tails said pointing "We'll check it out!" Sonic said "Sonic, Brody, lead the bots back here" Sally said "Say what?" Brody asks "I've got a plan, trust me" Sally said "You got it Sal" Sonic and Brody said as they run off.

Ari gets surrounded by two swatbots "Hahaha! I'd like to stay, boys, but I have places to go and people to see!" Ari said grabbing onto a branch and uses it to get to another tree branch "Ooh, way cool moves, bud!" Sonic said "Get ready to roll! I'll draw thesw bots are off!" Brody said "Thanks but why would they follow you two?" Ari asks "Emergency order override. Hedgehog and Wolf. Priority one" a swatbot said "That's why! Rip abd Slip time!!" Sonic said as the duo run off and leads the swatbots where Tails and Sally are "Here they come!" Tails said and Sally activates the magnet and it attracts and deactivates the swatbots "You got them, Aunt Sally!" Tails said "That's the power converter. The magnet deactivated the bot. We can use a lot of these parts for the De-roboticizer" Sally said.

*Later at Night*

"So I was on the way to this old fortress where Robotnik's holding my Freedom Fighters. And..." Ari said "Wow! Did you say 'Freedom Fighters'? Like us?" Sonic asks "Not exactly. We're only six. Well, we were seven. Now there's only me" Ari said "Isn't that interesting? We've never heard of other Freedom Fighters" Sally  said "Well, before today, we've never heard of you either" Ari said "Look, anyone can say they're a Freedom Fighter" Sally said "Yo Sal, you're being mondo rude!" Brody said and Sonic nodded, Sally grabs the two and drsgs them away "No, Brody, I'm being mondo cautious. We know nothing about him. I don't know, something... just doesn't feel right" Sally said "Like what?" Sonic asks "Like here we ard, in the middle of nowhere, and another Freedom Fighter just happens to show up?" Sally asks "Sal, give the guy his props" Brody said "Props?" Sally asks "Proper respect, lady. Bots were chasing him.

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